jlosanjayacutWe have not seen the last of Sanjaya Malakar. When Jennifer Lopez appeared on American Idol she was enchanted by the seventeen year old contestant. In fact, she got such a kick out of him that she has decided to sign him to some sort of deal. It might not involve singing. She has a number of businesses including fashion, and she’s not sure exactly what she’ll do with him, but she’s determined to get him to sign on the dotted line.

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  1. Janet can’t you come up with something better than this non-sense?
    Real gossip not made up filler.

  2. Must be a slow in Hollywood…
    Anybody going to the 2007 Blues Music Awards in Memphis on Thursday ?
    Remember, go during the middle of the week, not on the weekends when all the rednecks are raising hell.

  3. Doesn’t sanjaya look a little like J.lo’s husband? Only much younger.

  4. Check out where Malibu Gossips!

  5. Has she picked out her “next” husband?

  6. She is getting him as a present for Ricky Martin….j lo prefers them much darker…

  7. The old saying goes, “Those who have no talent stick together.”

  8. J-Lo wants him as her side dish (as her man).

  9. J-Lo wants him as her side dish (as her man).

  10. Way to go Sanjaya!… Way to go J-Lo!
    Screw the haters..They hate gays, they hate everything that is nice

  11. She wants to sign him so she has someone to make her career look less pathetic. You know, have one really ugly friend so you look beautiful…

  12. Jennifer Lopez offered Sanjaya fantastic suggestions for interpreting “Besame Mucho” when she was the guest mentor. Really raised my opinion of her. I do hope Sanjaya will record a CD though. I think he has a beautiful voice and that he was underrated on Idol.

  13. They’ll make a great team! Anyone who mocks them quite likely has a pathetic life. They are risk-takers and will always be ahead of the herd.

  14. Way to go Janet!!!
    Great news but was not in the least bit surprised ;)!
    I am so excited to see J Lo and Sanjaya working together. J Lo is so wonderful in everyway…Sanjaya is in good hands and never did I doubt his success but with J-Lo’s help WoW …it will be smoother sailing ;)!!
    Sanjaya already has charisma, the looks, the attitude, and natural talent and he is eager to learn and perform/ and will follow J-Lo’s instructions to the T. Way to go J-Lo!
    There is a woman that can see a real Star in the making!!!
    Love you J-Lo!!!
    Love you Sanjaya!!!

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