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Janet Charlton's HOLLYWOOD



Jennifer Lopez might be the perfect girlfriend. Not only did she resume her romance with her backup dancer Casper Smart, but she got him an acting job on her cop show “Shades of Blue.” Above, he filmed a scene with Jen’s costar Ray Liotta. Remember, when Jennifer is on a concert tour- she hires Casper as her choreographer. So being Jennifer Lopez’s boyfriend is highly profitable.

Photo Credit: AKM-GSI

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  1. Susan C

    J Lo is such a pathetic loser. She embarrasses herself by settling for a freak who is into tranny cause she can’t stand to be alone just like so many women. Smart has her twisted and she can’t see how needy she looks. With Charlie Sheen’s announcement I sincerely hope she is protecting herself so she does not become the next victim.

  2. Bluejay

    Did Casper actually pass the paper bag test?

  3. susieserb

    He looks very sick here?

  4. Ernst Hickings

    A kept man.

  5. whoopi

    no doubt, this will be a comedy hahahahahahahah

  6. Sylvia

    Why is he being address as her boyfriend when it’s know he is into transgenders???

  7. Bucky M

    Don’t think Mr. Smart is anything but a paid puppet that is handy for whenever he is needed by Lopez. Of course, that’s not necessarily a bad thing. Isn’t that what Hollywood is all about anyway?