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Janet Charlton's HOLLYWOOD


Judging by this dress, Jennifer Connelly has a lot to be depressed about – hence her demeanor at the Lincoln Center event honoring Louis Vuitton. We’re assuming this is an LV creation and find it quite disturbing. The print is reminiscent of poor people’s wallpaper in the Depression era. The strange bodice looks like an oversize white bra is falling off her shoulders. Can you imagine anyone actually PAYING Louis Vuitton prices for this frock?

Photo Credit: AKM-GSI

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  1. Strom


  2. It's Me, again

    She’s a v beautiful girl that wrinkled a lot prematurely. She usually has lovely style, but this is atrocious!

    The countess Luann coined that line, “even LV makes mistakes”. Classic!

  3. sheila

    Janet you should not speak badly about the poor. You should be ashamed of yourself

  4. Daggers

    Jennifer’s face looks like that of a man. IMHO

  5. Giuliana De Pandi-Rancid

    That is a Jane Russell Legacy Bra.

  6. Diva

    Why is she wearing her bra on the outside of the dress?

  7. babsie

    NO ONE pays to wear dresses…Come on. If it’s free they’ll wear it

  8. Giuliana De Pandi-Rancid

    When your stylist DESPISES you. And wants the world to know it.

    Alternatively: this is compliance in some sort of a hostage situation? Having now done her part, we can expect that Jennifer’s family will be released unharmed.

  9. break

    so he finally f.cked a white F@ggot?

  10. brake

    ……….what a disgrace!!