Photo Credit: Pacific Coast News

Ever so slowly Jennifer Aniston and Justin Theroux are starting to look alike as couples often do. They are pictured here leaving their New York apartment. Jennifer’s mother Nancy, who is hospitalized in LA after a stroke must be feeling better if Jennifer left town. Since Jennifer’s exhusband Brad Pitt admitted he was a pot smoking couch potato bore during their marriage, it all backs up our description of their divorce as Jennifer’s idea – not Brad’s. Anyway, Jen couldn’t care less – she’s moved on to Justin.

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  1. Sheesh, I guess people see things differently as Janet & I do. In the article, I think Brad was saying, he was a “pot smoking couch potato” because of his marriage to Jennifer. Living a lie, or something to that effect.

    As far as the divorce being Jennifer’s idea, does it really matter? I mean Brad has obviously moved on and Jennifer seems to be trying, so let us outsiders move on as well.

    Old news!

  2. LOL, well first of all, your linked description of their divorce nowhere suggests it was Jennifer’s idea. Second, that whole notion seems bunk in light of the emotional Vanity Fair interview she gave post-split.

    The comments released today were interesting to me because he directly compared life with JA to life with AJ, and he chose to do so when Anniston finally seems content. Either his relationship with AJ is in trouble and he’s trying to overcompensate, or he’s out to hurt JA, perhaps because he’s jealous. Either way, I thought it was a punk move.

  3. Perhaps it’s a case of Brad protesting too much. He still smokes pot, and lays on the couch.

  4. Justin has an ‘old man’ look and as he gets older, he will have a major old man look. He looks like he would be extremely set in his ways….trouble ahead. just a prediction and a feeling.

  5. Brad is on an Oscar hunt and will say anything to promote Moneyball. I read his comments to say that he was living a lie with Jennifer and what he didn’t get from marriage with her (kids) he has with Angelina. I think Weezer above has a good point about it being a punk move regardless the motives. Not sure when this interview took place-if after Jennifer and Justin started seeing each other then Weezer may be right on the motives as well. Any way you look at it low class move and totally unnecessary. Keeping the triangle alive to sell a movie and generate Oscar buzz is just as heinous as striking out at someone you spent 5 or so years with.

  6. I have read where Angelina is nagging Brad about how to raise the kids, whether to adopt another, his smoking joints, etc. etc. If this is true, I think Brad is getting a little sick of it. I think he enjoys the kids but doesn’t want to be around them all the time, as he has stated in the past that he is a free spirit. Anyhow, I think Jennifer is mixed up, and for that matter all of them are. And in this crazy world, I guess we all are to some degree. (5 cents please….the doctor is in). LOL

  7. I guess if you call a ‘home wrecker’ like Jennifer and her prey a cute couple, I guess. I don’t adhere to that ‘home wrecker’ thing…to me it’s lies squarely on the back of the person walking away from the old relationship…they control the leaving and falling for a new person. That said, no one seems to care that Justin left his live-in girlfriend of 14 years for Jennifer. To me, it’s no biggie…they weren’t married, no kids, and he fell for someone else….but that is what happened. Brad has been getting all the bad press (really Angelina) due to Jennifer and her minions. I can’t stand her.

  8. Brad was on Bill Maher’s Real Time last season, and Bill mentioned that he saw Brad at a party a long time ago and was impressed by his joint rolling prowess. Brad had the good sense to look quite embarassed and mentioned that those things are in the past because of his children.

    I generally don’t pay attention to articles such as the Parade interview, because all they’re really designed to do is draw attention to whatever movie someone is promoting at the time.

    As Muffin said, everyone has moved on and so should we.

  9. I think this relationship will end in tears like all of hers seem to do. This guy dumped a woman of 14 years, who he couldn’t be bothered to marry and moved on to Jen. He’s a former druggie and looks like a weirdo.

  10. The only two people who really know what that marriage was about are Brad and Jennifer. One thing is for sure – it’s a tired subject and has been discussed countless times. Let’s all move on…they both have.

  11. In a nation where perscription pill abuse is the highest in the world, as are alcohol sales (trust my fam’s in the biz)…why is smoking herb STILL considered a “bad” thing (or a medical condition). Behooves me completely.

    On a side, check out dlisted write up on this mess. Maybe there’s some truth to it all. LOL

    (and maybe that’s why ^^^ herb use is still public enemy #1)

  12. Well according to Arnon Milchan, producer on MAMS, Aniston kicked Pitt out of the house and it’s known that Danny DeVito & Rhea saw Brad begging to be let back. So it does seem Aniston filed for divorce. As for her VF interview, she probably did want to work things out initially and then decided to throw in the towel.

  13. The guy comes across as a fame and social moocher. Hope I’m wrong cause she doesn’t have the best judgement and is just happy to have someone stay after sex.

  14. Casonia of Seattle..Who is going to win hells kitchen this year..It is going to suck to see Elisa win! That Girl is a Nightmare walking? Talk the talk and walk the walk. Do what you say and say what you do! says:

    Brad Pitt was waiting for 7 years on the coach for Jennifer to give him a child.

  15. Casonia of Seattle..Who is going to win hells kitchen this year..It is going to suck to see Elisa win! That Girl is a Nightmare walking? Talk the talk and walk the walk. Do what you say and say what you do! says:

    Jennifer is in great shape and her body is amazing and incredible and..I am not Gay but she looks fantastic and outstanding and no wonder she did not want to mess her body up with having a Baby for Brad Pitt.

  16. Casonia of Seattle..Who is going to win hells kitchen this year..It is going to suck to see Elisa win! That Girl is a Nightmare walking? Talk the talk and walk the walk. Do what you say and say what you do! says:

    She has a strong man and…He like to move and groove and…To match each other plays off very well.

  17. Casonia of Seattle..Who is going to win hells kitchen this year..It is going to suck to see Elisa win! That Girl is a Nightmare walking? Talk the talk and walk the walk. Do what you say and say what you do! says:

    It is great to meet people and talk and have a party good time and… Why not she looks great and…So does she and… The two of them together is double look time!

  18. Casonia..Learning Chef Gordons food would be an honor and that is the reason...I hang in there and watch all the shows about Hells kitchen to learn and gather understanding?Why people are being kicked off the show and why they can't cut the mustard? says:

    Brad had false hope from Jennifer for 7 years and she gave him false hope over a family..TEASE AND TEASE AND MISLEAD ABOUT A FAMILY AND WAS HAPPY TO SEE THEM BREAK UP AND SHE TOOK AWAY 7 YEARS OF YOUTH FROM HIM!

  19. Brad cheated on Jen constantly. She finally figured it out, was heartbroken, begged him to quit, but he told her he was unable to be faithful or have a traditional type marriage. (btw, That is crap about her not wanting to give him a kid, she did get preg with him & miscarried). She told to leave and started divorce negs. He at first asked to be taken back, then met Angie, and that was that. His comments about their marriage were totally douchey, imo, and I think he did it partly out of jealousy, & partly to gain attention for his new movie. I am told he desperately wants an oscar. He already has everything else in life.

  20. Then why has Jennifer Aniston played a victim all these years? It is old, tired and boring. Truth is most women, especially those with children, pick themselves up and get on with life. One only has to reread Jen’s old articles, listen to old interviews or think alittle to see the coat-tailing to Pitt and even Jolie. Move on, Jen! May you answer that Justin IS the love of your life like you didn’t with Pitt, don’t put him down in public either or refer back to Brad like you did to Vince,John,Paul,and the others you’ve had since Pitt. Just DO it,walk the talk.

  21. Casonia from Seattle..Sure working with Ramsay on Hells kitchen is like walking on egg shells and...issues can twist and turn at a drop of the hat? Fear is a factor to do flawless work and stay on top of things and Will get stronger in the dessert section says:

    Jennifer could had left any time she wanted and just stuck around for years and know she has moved on and had many relationships after her Divorce but she is a really Beautiful woman and still has the body of a teen ager and has no body fat at all and has an amazing shape and looks really young and not her age at all!

  22. Casonia from Seattle..Sure working with Ramsay on Hells kitchen is like walking on egg shells and...issues can twist and turn at a drop of the hat? Fear is a factor to do flawless work and stay on top of things and Will get stronger in the dessert section says:


  23. If Jen wanted a child, truly wanted a child, nothing would have a stopped her from having one. Period.
    And if she doesn’t want children, that’s okay too.

  24. @ Bra, Re your quote:

    “One only has to reread Jen’s old articles, listen to old interviews or think alittle to see the coat-tailing to Pitt and even Jolie.”

    Please…What exactly did she say and where & when did she say them? All I ever saw/heard was (about Brad) “he is missing a sensitivity chip” and (about Angie) “that was uncool”.

    Yet, all over the web apparently, the brange-fans are howling about Aniston supposedly wailing over Brad ditching her on a regular basis. I don’t see it. Its true I don’t have a lot of time & have only 2 o 3 sites I look at regularly, but I am surrounded by people in the ent ind. (husband, friends, neighbors, family), and hear stuff constantly. I’m sure Anistons heart was broken by Brad, but I am also sure she didn’t like what she found out about him after they were married, and I think she has long ago moved on.

  25. @ Bra again:

    Holy Crap! Are you fucking kidding me????

    “If Jen wanted a child, truly wanted a child, nothing would have a stopped her from having one. Period.”

    What planet do you live on? Are you really telling us you don’t know any women who desperately want to have kids but can’t? I myself am one of them. I had 6 miscarriages before I had my first beloved child, and more afterwards. Adopting is expensive and not always an option for some people (like if they have a record or something).

    Thanks for at least admitting that its ok for some people to NOT want kids.

  26. I am not a fan of any of the three, Aniston, Pitt or Jolie, & have never seen any of Anistons movies (although my husband has worked on 2), only seen the Oceans movies with Pitt, and saw I think 3 of Jolies movies, none of which I liked. I don’t feel sorry for any of them, they are all spoiled celebs. I posted what I knew upthread, becuz I thought a lot of you would want to know.

  27. Brad is an alcoholic now. Anyone read his EW interview? He was drunk and he says he thinks Angie should roll with the punches from the media but at the same time he can’t roll with the punches w/out clarifying his words. I am really waiting for Angelina to call it quits with the absent drunk dad.

  28. I keep wondering how many nannies B and A employ to shop, cook, clean, take care of kids, yada yada. I read where Brad is constantly harrassed by Angie as he is definitely a pot-head and almost an alcoholic. She is reportedly eating very little and has no appetite (this per her brother James and also Brad). For sure I heard with my own little ears Jennifer tell Oprah that she still loved Brad and always will, that they at one time had a great life (she may have been saying this so it would get back to Angie.). Which and what gossip is true, no one knows, but I do believe that Jenn will hate Angelina forever, whether she has moved on or not, she know she is still being pitied for being dumped, and that’s why she keeps hopping from one man to another.

  29. indy, i feel like i just read a snippet of Star magazine after reading your comment. brad fans are still sticking up for their golden god. eww

  30. Walt, wherever you are. Please come back and bring some normalcy to this site.

    (this is the collor of “death”)

  32. Nice headline! “ couch potatoe”
    Well, neither think I.

    That Pitt person seems too hollow to have his own personal life, leaning on others to fill it for him.

  33. “That Pitt person seems too hollow to have his own personal life, leaning on others to fill it for him”

    do you remember when he was with the sweet but cult crazy julette lewis? he became
    Juliette Lewis.

    sadly, this seems like a accurate statement. when he was with prissy paltrow, he looked and acted like her twin.

    with aniston, SHE did what he did which he liked until someone (gee wonder who) told him he wasn’t really living life.

    with the bony, malnourished (physically and spiritually) jolie, he is like her. he has to have a partner or he is just void of personality. i am not saying he isn’t a good actor because he is but he is nothing until his current mate tells me what he is.

  34. @Linda——“That Pitt person seems too hollow to have his own personal life, leaning on others to fill it for him”

    sadly, this seems like a accurate statement. when he was with prissy paltrow, he looked and acted like her twin.

  35. Casonia from Seattle..I already know that...I am going to be roasted for my age? Being older then Chef really pisses him off! What ever happened to Jason? The Taco man! He there one day and gone another? This is not the first time this has happened? says:


  36. Casonia from Seattle..I already know that...I am going to be roasted for my age? Being older then Chef really pisses him off! What ever happened to Jason? The Taco man! He there one day and gone another? This is not the first time this has happened? says:


  37. By Patrick
    On September 17, 2011 at

    “Nicky made it clear when he was posting as Rick his mission was to troll this site because of what he believes to be Janet’s allowance of racism by some posters. He then came back as Mel Zipskin among others. He now posts as Nicky and is stringing along Casonia for kicks.
    Just ignore the troll. It is a small troll.”

    I don’t anyone named Rick or Mel. I have never claimed to be either of those people.

    I am nice to Casonia because I was ashamed at how hateful I had become to her because I didn’t understand her. I noticed one evening that no one had a single kind thing to say to her. Nothing. I know that I am not a saint but I could certainly do better than I was doing. What is the harm in a kind word? Instead of berating someone with harsh things ….why not ask how they are or commend them when they say something that egos your views. ???


    By Taffy Davenport
    On September 17, 2011 at

    “Nicky, sweetie. Time to change your tampon hon. It wasn’t meant to last the WHOLE week.”

    -What does that even mean? Why would you say something like that to me? Is this someone’s idea of cleverness?

    Please just move on. Thank you.

  38. Casonia.. Hells kitchen is a show that makes you think? People are never treated that way in real life and chef is hard to please and his food and his way or the highway. Fear of screwing up will keep any one on there toes and Ramsay off your ass. says:

    Jennifer has all the money in the world and she can afford to go to all the Hot spots and…. ROCK IT OUT FOR DAYS BUT IT IS HER LIFE AND WHAT EVER FLOATS HER BOAT IS COOL WITH ME.

  39. Casonia.. Hells kitchen is a show that makes you think? People are never treated that way in real life and chef is hard to please and his food and his way or the highway. Fear of screwing up will keep any one on there toes and Ramsay off your ass. says:


  40. Well from my side they are looking a great couple. Wishing them happy married life.

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