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Janet Charlton's HOLLYWOOD


Photo Credit: Pacific Coast News

Jennifer Aniston has opened up her home – and her wallet – to her boyfriend Justin Theroux. As the romance heats up they are living large with Jen picking up much of the tab. From a private jet to Hawaii to gourmet meals at the finest restaurants, Jennifer is very generous. According to a friend “Justin is successful, but in comparison to Jennifer, he’s poor. He can’t keep up with her limousine lifestyle so she’s pretty much paying for everything.”

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  1. Tagg

    Your kidding me right? She’s worth tens of millions from Friends alone plus her real estate sales/holdings not to mention her 1-2 rom/com movies…damn right she should pay!!

  2. chris

    Poor dude is stuck with her clingy needy assssss until the movie is released.

  3. J.P.

    So what? This would not be news if she were the man.

  4. chris

    Women never live down a public humiliation of that caliber …and to add insult to injury this former junkie dude supposedly had a crush on Jolie too, before he even met Jen.

  5. Christine India

    I just know Jen wishes she could roll the clock back about 6 years before Brad strayed. And more than that, she wishes there had never been born an Angelina Jolie into this world. She is still miserable they split, trust me. Just look at how miserable she always looks and it’s obviously forced happiness when she is on a talk show or being interviewed. It’s the law of the jungle….a woman scorned and dumped for another never ever forgets.

  6. chris

    Awwwww but the Media desperately wants their dear Jen to have that fairytale ending….rolls eyes.

  7. Indy aka Christine India

    I read where she spends mucho time and money to keep herself toned, pampered, made-up, hair washed in Evian water, yada yada. All of her men (and as we know there were many) got tired of all that, plus they had to wait until she did her time-consuming yoga exercises and chants. Wonder if she gets out of bed and puts on makeup before Justin (or whoever) awakens to see her plain face.

  8. Kitty

    She’s a no talent idiot, and a desperate man stealing slut to boot.

  9. Nance

    Good for her if she is happy spend it! She doesn’t have any kids and doesn’t seem all that close to her family. Why not enjoy it. Help the NY economy.

  10. Natalie

    Relationships never seems to work out when the gal has the money. I think a guy’s ego is too big to allow it, unless the guy is a gold-digger.

  11. Denise

    It’s okay for a man with means to take care of a woman, but not for a woman with means to take care of a man? Rather a sexist double standard wouldn’t you agree?

  12. Village

    I’m guessing he’s thinking, ‘This is way better than heroin.”

  13. hello

    A man is not a man if a woman is taking care of them. Was this guy’s girlfriend eating jen’s bush to pay for anything for him leaving her. That is his business and problems.

  14. spinner

    Jen has earned her fortune & she can spend it how she likes. She’s got one of the best bodies in Hollywood. I think Justin is totally hot & a worthy partner for her. I think this is the real deal here. It is about love…not money.

  15. Strom

    It’s really amazing when you look at Jen, Eva L. , and J Lo what plain looking women they are w/o loads of makeup and wigs/hair work. Any would probably be a fright waking up next too. Jen from forehead to chin would give the Wicked Witch a run for her money in looks. She at least is staying with white men…the others have long ago gone BLACK.

  16. Indy aka Christine India

    Sorry, but I would not want a man who has lived with someone for 15 years and is now brooding, balding, not that good-looking, and out for Jen’s bod and her vast fortune. After 15 years, this is a common-law marriage, and she should get a lawyer and sue his ass and I’m sure Jen will pay her appropriate alimony. I forget who the little gal he lived with, but it was 15 years before the Chin came along and put the moves on him. They are all screwed up and Jen may be in for another heartbreak.

  17. kait

    So WHAT if she’s paying? She’s a high-earning female who can afford the luxe living better than her male partner. Stop with the chauvinism!

    Kudos, Jennifer. I wish you big success.

  18. Strom

    The Chin has really opened her legs for him and looks increasingly more desperate each day.

  19. forrest gump

    yep, he shaved his beard, folks!!

  20. hello

    She is a loser if she is paying for him. Don’t be dummy like Demmie Moore. Why can’t she travel to meet a person richer than her so she can feel wanted not to feel needed for her cash.

  21. Muffin

    Surprise, surprise! This is probably part of her master plan for her next “pity party”. She needs a comeback, like yesterday. Her fame rose last time as she became the victim of Brad & Angie’s “uncool” relationship.

    Still can’t believe that she was not held accountable for Theroux leaving his longtime girlfriend. I say this this because so many ridiculous people accused Angelina of doing this to her. Mmm, it’s funny how things play out, the homely people get all the sympathy I guess.