Jennifer Aniston has never had a problem relating to dogs. She’s in New York filming “The Bounty” outside in excessively hot weather but she couldn’t resist stopping to give a kiss to two dogs that were being walked nearby. Jen’s own beloved dog Norman,13, is no doubt waiting for her in some air-conditioned place nearby.
Saturday, August 22, 2009
Casonia...Hells kitchen Paul is nice and can really cook and so can Will but Tommy needs to speak up in order to Win and Elisa is going to drive those men crazy with her company...She is mean and disliked and hope and pray she is next on the chopping bloc
Dogs know when some one loves then and respect them and they are Honest and thoughtful and they love you because you are good inside.
Casonia logenberry
Dogs are nice and kind and loving and They can see kindness in some one Heart and soul and if they walk up to you and want to kiss you that means major trust and kindness that is so deep and warm and trusting and that is the reason she gets along with Dogs.. Dog is mans best friend and can also be the protecter of woman and Animals are trust worthy in so many ways and They really care!
Mother Hen
P.S.: Seldom do you see Jenn without perfect hair. shampoo is needed here, a grease-busting shampoo.
Mother Hen
Because…….Just saw her in a TV movie re-run. Have two pics of her in National Enquirer and Globe, and her chin IS a wee big larger than normal. Also, the jaw line is longer than normal. It just is. I personally have a few physical flaws, but my chin is perfect. lol
Just so you know
Brad Angie and the kids have 2 dogs. Brad and one of their dogs were pictured in last weeks’ Parade magazine, and Angie and the same dog as a puppy were seen last year in W mag.
Noble Cascade
what is wrong with her chin? You devils keep talking about her big chin. She looks a hell of a lot better than some of the skanks out there in la la land. You are only jealous that your ugly chin doesn’t make as much money as hers does.
D. Duck
Strom, ha ha , you beat me to it. That curtain of hair she hides the chin with is stringy and greasy in this pic. wha happen?
At least no photo of that chin.
captain america
For all the guys jen has dated, she can’t get one to stick around. I am starting to wonder if she is a fuzz bumper.
Looks like the poor baby dog in the white fur has something bothering her eye. Poor sweetie. I can’t STAND to see animals hurt!
Dogs are a good judge of character. Maybe her pot-smoking ex should have had a dog. The dog would have nailed the skank he’s now hooked up with.
Dr. no-it-all
Dogs really are a desperate-for-a-man woman’s best friend; they will always love you no matter what.
Bettye Bluejay
Cute, sweet photo.