Despite a string of tedious romantic comedies that weren’t all that funny, Jennifer Aniston emerged unscathed as usual. She has three movies coming out next year and is currently putting the finishing touches on “Wanderlust” with Malin Akerman and Paul Rudd in New York. Her luxurious hair is blonde for this one – if it’s any consolation, Jen DOES have extensions when she does a movie or photoshoot.

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  1. Blah, Blah, Blah!!! Jennifer Aniston is DONE. She should retire as she is not relevant anymore. Maybe she should do Broadway or maybe another sitcom. I just think people are tired of her though. Nobody is interested in her “Whoa is me” act that she has played on for the last 5 or so years. People are tired of seeing her trying to collect powerful friends(Oprah, Streisand, etc.) to chalk up in her popularity contest. She is “all washed up”! Very rich, mind you, but still “all washed up”!!

  2. Muff you’re wrong. Friends reruns are gigantic in Britian and around the world also, any movie she’s in immediatly is dubbed and exported.
    Janet OF COURSE she’s got extensions she’s a super skinny 40 something year old lady no body has hair that thick and lush, considering how she starves herself.

  3. How does anyone know that anyone has hair extensions (other than the obvious Britney Spears and her perenial rat’s nest)? Jen has always had lush hair, also has never been anorexic looking, thinish yes, but too skinny, never. I don’t happen to rush out and see any of her films, but I like her and she has turned in an occaisonal impressive performance as well as being great on Friends for its whole run. She sure as hell beats the younger current stock of wacktresses who seem only interested in getting drunk/stoned/screwed, starving themselves, and flaunting purses and shoes that cost thousands. they all bore me to tears.

  4. I beg to differ:
    1) She is not “super skinny” right now, Mel Zipskin.
    2) Jennifer has definitely been too skinny. At one point while married to Brad, she looked way too skinny, SMZS. This was emphasized by the overly long, straight hair she was sporting at the time.

  5. I always enjoy reading about JA. I’d much rather read about her than the man-eater blood-vial wearing Angie Jolie Voight.

  6. strom, lol, I agree the chin is frightening. She has had surgery on her big Greek nose (altho not enough) and botox around the eyes and forehead, but I don’t think anything can be done about the chin. She tries to hide some of it with that curtain of hair. The last chin operation I heard about was Carol Burnette and I remember her saying it was horrible and painful. So I guess some things are beyond help.

    Beachy, I also like to read about Jenn and even tho I can’t stand Angelina, I like to read about that crazy biatch too. The latest on Ang and Brad is their twins may have downs syndrome.

  7. GREAT outfit.

    JA keeps getting the world’s dumbest scripts. Why HWood doesn’t understand that crap like that is at best barely profitable is beyond me.

  8. Jen very obviously has extensions in that photo. Her hair is relatively fine, straight, and lays very flat (just see the last couple of seasons of friends). No amount of hair product alone would make her hair look that full and lush.

    Jen is not super skinny now, but she has been, and the problem is that any severe diet regimen takes it toll on the hair, because it is one of the first things the body can restrict production of to save energy, and often that toll is permanent. I suspect THAT is why so many celebs have extensions, because their dieting causes premature hair thinning in fining out.

  9. Jen may have had bad luck with films, but she is a true star: she has a unique look, is quite sexy, and has a developed personality and persona.

    I heard an interview with someone who trained her as an actress, and he said she was capable of a truly great performance, and should be doing Shakespeare and the like.

  10. Jen’s chin as ALMOST as bad as Reese Witherspoon’s. Carol Burnett had a different issue–her jawbone was too far back and had to be reset forward. But what can Jen and Reese do other than to have the tips of their jawbones filed down–if that’s even possible. LOL!

  11. Contrary to much popular opinion, I do not think she has ‘gotten on with her life’. All the many men she has slept with after the divorce can sense that she still longs for the old days when she had Mr. Arm Candy hanging off her and they were the “IT” couple. She will never admit this, never.

  12. Miss Eva, yes, Carol Burnett’s chin surgery was a different type and must have taken a long time to heal. And Reese Witherspoon’s chin viewed directly in front comes down to a long tiny point which is not too pretty. If Reese and Jennifer did not have long flowing hair with extensions or clip-ons they would be ugly as a mud turtle.

  13. There is nothing wrong with Reese’s or Jen’s chins — they are cute. Why does everyone have to be standardized product? And why are women more the perpetrators of this sinister ideal of beauty?

    (And, btw, it is not beauty if it is standardized, it is “attractiveness”, as in “that sofa is attractive, and will match our beige walls”. Bleck!)

  14. If you see Jen in person her “chin” is not as prominent. She is extremely gorgeous in person and her hair is naturally wavy not straight. She was more upset after two miscarriages with then husband Brad Pitt and the rumor that Jolie started that she hated children and did not want them. She had a eight year relationship with Pitt and a five year marriage to him, and she was blindsided by the public humiliation that Pitt and Jolie caused her. This all happened right in the middle of her marriage as she and Pitt were trying again to get Pregnant. Jolie “swoops” in and she was devastated by the bond that her husband broke with her. That is her right and personal to her. Not for us to judge. I think she is more hurt deep inside then ever wanting Pitt back in her life by the interruption of her marriage and the humiliation from that the worlds eyes laid on her. She has a boy friend right now and she seems happy with him.

  15. I’m sure Jen would never take Brad back after what he’s shown her he’s made of. After cheating, running off with a vampire skank, and having kids and buying kids why in the world would Jen for a second want that loser back?
    I agree there is nothing wrong with her or Reese’s chins. They have heart-shaped faces. Burnett had a chin implant put in and I think it still looks wierd and fake.
    I’m glad these two beautiful women haven’t fallen victim to public scrutiny and gone under the knife and messed up their faces forever as Cher, Heidi Montag and so many other Hollywood people have.
    Natural beauty, and accepting who you are and working with it seems to be the best for long term beauty.

  16. That face and chin is a woofer,,,just frame it and see. In person it is very much a makeover and the hair distracts

  17. In this pic, just cover up about 1/3 of the chin with your finger and see how much better it looks. She was born with it.

  18. Now that we have given our opinions of Jen, I would like to say that I have nothing against her personally, except…..why is she cranking out movie after movie when she has more $$$ now than she can spend in 10 lifetimes. She should take a 3-4 month trip to her homeland, Greece, and find a non-personality to hook up with. She should ditch the H-Wood scene for at least a year and relax. All her failed romances are probably driving her crazy; every one she hooks up with is ‘The ONE’, until it flops.

  19. That’s interesting–the Jolie Pitt twins with Downs, hmmm, must be due to vampira’s anexoria.

  20. Her movies are sheer rubbish yet Americans continue to pay to see them. Quite a paradox indeed.

  21. Strom, you sound really gay in that last post. Stop reading Vogue man.

  22. “Bettye Bluejay” how revolting that you would blame any mother for their children’s very unfortunate affliction.

    Sure hope you don’t have any children or grandchildren, because “Heaven forbid” something horrible like this would happen to them. Who would you blame then?

    You are disgusting!!

  23. Ah Muffin Top, ever hear of fetal alcohol syndrome? Or the fact that the chances of having a downs syndrome baby increases greatly with the age of the mother?

    Sure there are tragedies over which parents have no control, but there are a hell of a lot of problems heaped on children caused by their parents.

    What planet are you from?

  24. So, um.. Bu? Do you also think it was Jolie’s camp that has kept OK! in business with all of those Jen wants a baby! issues?

  25. Thanks Canada! A would-be mother’s self-care does indeed affect the health of the children, especially Angelina who is a drug addict, and anexoric, and many years of abusing her body. Downs occurs with increasing age of the mother, not Angelina’s excuse.

  26. btw, it is not just the mother. There have been studies connecting a father being a smoker at the time of conception to increased chances of his child developing leukemia.

    Bluejay, good point about eating disorders. They have long-term effects, and society should be treated it as the true crisis it is. Bravo for the bans on anorexic models by some countries. Hollywood should be doing more about this situation.

  27. Not at all a fan of either of them, but this story about their twins havings issues is just a vicious rumor and not true at all. The babies faces are completely normal and they have bright cute baby faces completely different than Downs Syndrome children who have obvious facial features. Just look at Sarah Palin’s youngest and compare.
    It’s sad when the public, because they hate a particular celebrity, pick on that person’s child with nasty rumors.

  28. Some people love their children unconditionally; and others are raging about their fate with a less than perfect child.

  29. The problem that Jennifer has is she makes crappy movies. How did the kids get involve in this post? Leave the kids alone no matter who’s they are.


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