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Janet Charlton's HOLLYWOOD


courtneycut_cox1a.jpgFor a long time we’ve been trying to figure out why best friends Courteney Cox and Jennifer Aniston are both crazy about the Il Sole restaurant on Sunset Strip. Granted, the place has yummy Italian food, but it’s really far from their Malibu homes AND it’s become a paparrazzi hangout. Yet these weight conscious friends both eat there constantly. Here’s why: It turns out the restaurant caters to diet and health conscious customers. Both Courteney and Jen bring their own whole wheat pasta and STORE it at the restaurant. When the girls dine there they can have their special pasta (which isn’t on the menu) with sauce with reduced oil or whatever they want. So THAT’S what keeps them coming back!

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  1. Anonymous

    they both have houses in Beverly Hills too- which is where they’ve BOTH been staying.
    get correct info please

  2. lookwhaticando

    This woman is fading fast,, THANK god, only news you hear from her is her going to II Sole with Courtney. Just go away for good. You have no talent

  3. Clementines

    All this healthy stuff hasn’t done them any good. They are sour-faced dried up grumps.

  4. Anonymous

    That is the dumbest thing I’ve ever heard. Besides Brittney Spears “in concert” giving lip service.

  5. Anonymous

    Both mediocre, in looks and talent. Maybe Jennifer has a little more comic talent than the 100% talent-free Courtney.

  6. Ellen

    Wonder if they are licking clam after the dinner?

  7. Ellen

    Wonder if they are licking clam after the diner?

  8. Bu

    They both look like the same stylist came in made them up for their night out. They also look like the same person filled their lips and faces with the same botox. The have same flat iron to straighten their hair, the same eye brow person does their brows…they must be twinszees…But, they do look good, and that’s all that matters in Hollywood!

  9. Anonymous

    Whole wheat pasta has been around for years. C’mon, Janet, it’s called free food for free publicity!

  10. Anonymous

    These two look too manly.

  11. Anonymous

    maybe one of them worked there waiting tables before they “were discovered” and struck it rich.

  12. Anonymous

    maybe they get the special dessert laxatives and a free enema too.

  13. Anonymous

    whole wheat pasta is kind of a trendy health food these days, so i imagine that it would be something offered on the menu.
    maybe they do get to eat there for free for the coolness factor it lends the restaurant.

  14. Anonymous

    i bet that they suck off the chef.

  15. Anonymous

    Free meals that’s what keeps them coming back like lost dirty alley cats.