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Janet Charlton's HOLLYWOOD


Jenna Elfman may LOOK sweet but WATCH OUT if you have anything negative to say about Scientology! A few years ago a friend of ours was walking down the street in Los Feliz wearing a t-shirt that made fun of Scientology. Jenna and her husband Bodhi Elfman followed him and cornered him. They were OUTRAGED that he dared to imply negative things about their religion! Our friend laughingly defended his right to free speech, but the argument accelerated with Jenna loudly calling the guy a criminal and a BABY RAPIST! It’s a shocking term – but one that Scientologists seem to use freely to describe anti-Scientology people!
All we know is, we wouldn’t bother to complain about the church of Scientology if they paid taxes like the rest of us…

Photo Credit: AKM-GSI

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  1. Palermo

    I feel sorry for the kids of these lunatics

  2. Walter Cliff

    Wonder what she thinks of her Dharma & Greg Co-star getting canned for more violent behavior on the set of Criminal Minds?

    Wonder if they will bring back Shemar Moore now.

  3. Walter Cliff

    She is just a weak minded twit that allows herself, her life, her finances and her children to be controlled by a cult. Sick.

  4. See you in bankrupcy court

    This cow has always irritated the crap out of me. If she wants to get financially raped by Scientology then let her. I will laugh when she finally realizes she’s been had.

  5. Daggers

    Two damned fools, the Elfmans. Brain-swashed idiots bound for hell where L. Ron Hubbard, the founder of SCI, is in torments. And in the future will be T. Cruise, Kirstie Alley, Travolta….etc. etc etc.

  6. Beachy

    What a freakin’ kook! It’s amazing how easily some people are brainwashed to believe the most unbelievable and ridiculous stuff.

    Oh well…another wasted and washed up Scientology celeb. No great shakes.

  7. susieserb

    Jenna WHO….Next…

  8. RHC in FLA

    I was surprised to learn Scientology was granted during the Clinton administration. If they were a ‘real’ church they would have had it long before the mid 90’s.

    The ‘church’ has destroyed the town of Clearwater Florida. Every city’s operating budget is based upon tax revenue. Scientology owns so much property (buildings and land) that is un-taxed the police department, fire department and city government is severely underfunded.

    What is it going to take to get their tax exempt status revoked??

  9. ah-yuck

    Such cult mentality, they might as well join Isis. Just leave out the religion & concentrate on spirituality.

  10. Latka Gravas

    The Mormons make Scientology look like child’s play