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Janet Charlton's HOLLYWOOD


One thing about Jared Leto – he’s never boring to look at. He’s pictured here in Soho, dressed in a leather jacket, looking like he just got off a Harley, but in fact he just chained up his bicycle. He was on his way to Cafe Gitane to meet up with fellow musician Moby.

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  1. Aaim

    Careful how you speak of my husband. He is precious and too sexy for words.

  2. Yo

    You are so right Janet! He’s never boring! yummy. Nice to know he came in on a bike.

  3. Bu

    He is still the most gorgeous man I have ever seen in person! He might be stuck up, but he stops traffic with his looks in person!

  4. Reta

    The ONLY “faggot” around these parts is YOU Gerard/Captain America, hiding your tiny penis in your baby hands.

  5. captain america

    ……..a biker’s outfit???

  6. Reta

    Too scrawny to be a REAL man!! PUNY!

  7. right

    I see the photog is the same of the butler pic. Was the guy sitting on his ass (in Soho), waiting for the losers to walk by?