#jamesdeen #janicedickinson #janetcharlton

Janice Dickinson never passes up an opportunity to be photographed. She was walking out of Chateau Marmont the other night and the paparazzi simply weren’t paying attention. The next person to walk out of the hotel, also alone, was adult star James Deen, who just filmed “The Canyons” with Lindsay Lohan. Janice playfully pounced on the startled guy and started passionately kissing him. The photographers loved it- Deen didn’t know WHAT to think. Now that Lindsay is banned from the Chateau, maybe Janice will take up where she left off.
Photo Credit: Pacific Coast News

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  1. agree, dated americans, who are ripe for wheelchairs, have some strange habbits!!

  2. Hey good for her! A senior citizen (according to AARP) and still kicking it!

  3. They probably had to call the Fire Department to bring the “Jaws of Life” to extricate him from her overdone lips.

  4. I’d insist on using a condom with that one. Well with either one LOL

  5. Janice does what she wants and doesn’t give a rat’s ass what anyone thinks of her.

    In the words of Popeye the Sailor man, her motto is : I yam what I yam. LOL

  6. A porn star is perfect for her!
    Great match. I loved it when she was on QVC drunker than a skunk. Hilarious. Oddly enough they never asked her back. LOL

  7. Most ‘porn stars’ have been molested as children and have a very high suicide/substance abuse rate(including the men).

    Janice has talked about how she was raped and molested by her father for years. She is typical of someone who acts out or continues to punish themself as an adult and seeks constant attention. I feel bad for her and hope she can get some inner peace and resolution. This is the reality of child sexual abuse. Very sad.

  8. It’s sad but she was happy to exploit the life of sex when she was young and good looking….now that she is an old, silicone injected, hag she wants to blame it on abuse.

    Join hands and sing “we are the world” with counselor Janice and describe all the problems that you were not responsible for!

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