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Janet Charlton's HOLLYWOOD



Janice Dickinson’s fiancée (of 3 years!) Dr Robert Gerner, 70, took her to The Ivy to celebrate Janice’s “vindication” as a Bill Cosby sexual assault victim. Gerner, described as a “psychopharmacology expert” hasn’t been in a hurry to get married, but he’s good to Janice. In spite of her bankruptcy and million dollar tax debt, her fiancée bought her a 1.7 million dollar Hollywood Hills home.

Photo Credit: AKM-GSI

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  1. Strom

    This defense is no different than Hillary and Bill. Please tell what the difference is.

    The Cos was very happy to bed white women, not very interested in BLACKS! Same for Clinton.

    The enablers stood up for Clinton but BLACK Cosby doesn’t seem to be as lucky:

  2. Strom

    This defense is no different than Hillary and Bill.

    The Cos was very happy to bed white women, not very interested in BLACKS!

    The enablers stood up for Clinton but BLACK Cosby doesn’t seem to be as lucky:

  3. JimJam

    Janice used to be SO beautiful. I worked with her many times in NYC. Now..?

  4. shaygirl

    all the women I see on tv look like they could use some CASH. when I see Gloria Allred, I always think SHAKE DOWN. I don’t see honorable women seeking Gloria allred for representation. IF you’re raped, call the cops not a lawyer if you expect people to take you seriously.

  5. Strom

    Rhonda makes a point though I think it is more fame seekers than paid hookers!

  6. Strom

    Neither Bill or BLACK Morgan Freeman would go for it today!

  7. rhonda

    I’m wondering how many of those women were hookers and wanted the drugs.

  8. Eyeroll

    Bill’s cash could mean that Janice’s hail-Mary marriage to the gay doc/drug dealer isn’t necessary after all, non?

    Good for her! G-d knows she’s suffered enough–what with the multiple trips to bankruptcy court, and Caitlyn Jenner essentially “stealing” her look, making Janice look the drag queen.

    Also, Jan is BATSHIT-CRAZY–and for that, one needs $$$$$$.

  9. Bob

    She doesn’t look bad for a woman her age and her outfit is attractive. I can see why the doctor bought her a nice pad.

  10. Strom

    Janice wishes someone would give her ludes for sex today….BLACK or not!

  11. X

    cosby is finally being outed as the piece of shit he is…..

  12. Bluejay

    Most likely the house is in the doctor’s name.

  13. Strom

    She looks worse than Bruce Jenner

  14. mister baja

    sick is this, this proves her STUCK UP nature!!