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Janet Charlton's HOLLYWOOD


She may be in the middle of a complicated divorce, but Janet Jackson, 50, has never looked happier. Janet’s estranged husband Wissam Al Mana has hired a large staff of nannies to care for their precious boy. Wissam wants the child to be brought up in his Arabic family tradition. (Does that mean no dancing?) THIS could be a problem. The culture clash between Wissam’s family and Janet’s American family is bound to widen as little Eissa grows up.

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  1. Paula


  2. bear mountain

    a fool & muslim now?

  3. Hilary

    Think of her skin color when she was younger… and her nose back then, too. Nope, this baby is clearly NOT her bio-baby. Of course, we all know that she was never pregnant either. I don’t understand the charade; my daughter doesn’t look like me.. she is adopted, and I shouted it to the world when I was finally able to bring her home. I can’t imagine loving her any less than I would a bio child. 🙂

  4. Palermo

    Not sure whose baby that is, but highly doubtful it’s any bit hers

  5. noblecascade

    I’d be worried about him kidnapping my child and taking it back to Arabic world. You hear many stories like that and they made a movie of it with Sally Fields.