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Janet Charlton's HOLLYWOOD


Photo Credit: Splash News

Janet Jackson was vacationing at the French >Riviera during the Cannes Film Festival (supposedly with her BROTHER Jermaine) until we saw this photo of her at the Nice airport before take-off. She seems to have ignored the film festivities. Dare we assume that she went off her diet to enjoy the French cuisine?

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  1. zekiyat_sanni

    i know who’s your boyfriend jermaine dupri he have a chance to be with you cause you so sexy that any man will die for you so you better marry her now before another person we take it

  2. zekiyat_sanni

    i love you janet jackson who’s your boyfriend he have a chance to get woman like you

  3. Anon

    Janet Jackson vacationed with her beau of many years, Jermaine Dupri — not her brother Jermaine Jackson. Please research more carefully because so many believe everything they read (or that you infer) on the internet. With you being in the “celebrity news business” I am surprised at this faux paux being made.

  4. softwhiteunderbelly

    and disturbing.
    just thinking about 50 lbs of cottage cheese in a hefty bag makes me want to gag.

  5. Anonymous

    They were showing the films on on that skirt.

  6. Anonymous

    Yep, quietly partaking in all the buttery, fat-laden foods in France. She will forever fight the fat fight.

  7. gerard Vandenberg

    one thing’s for sure: THERE WAS ENOUGH FOOD AVAILIBLE, folks!!

  8. Anonymous

    What a HUGE butt! I guess she went off her diet…

  9. Anonymous

    Have some respect and compassion. Even Cher gained and suffered thru menopause Ms Charlton.