We’ve been hearing a lot about Jamie Foxx’s ego lately – apparently he’s very fond of himself and not so easy to deal with. That heightened sense of importance wasn’t so evident when he was discussing Dreamgirls with Oprah Winfrey. He confided to Oprah that he was so hot to be in that movie that he would have done it for NOTHING. When the guys at Disney heard that they couldn’t believe their ears- in actuality, of ALL the movie’s cast – Jamie held out for the most money. They had a terrible time reaching a financial agreement with him. After all that , according to some critics, Jamie “walked through” the part and didn’t give a stand-out performance.
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Janet: Jamie’s ego-driven behavior is disgusting. Since is well-deserved Oscar for RAY all we hear is “I’m so GREAT – so HOT”. His role in Dream Girls was not so HOT. Eddie Murphy stoled that show – along with Jennifer. Jamie’s movies after Ray have received luke-warm reviews at best. He has his priorities so very wrong. Jamie needs to eat a lot of humble pie and realize what he is doing.
Jamie Fox sucks! and he’s QUEER!
acting is a job… what job will you work on for free?? why are the producers too cheap to pay their actors?
I believe this, dude has always been cocky, even when he was starring n that dopey sitcom
” the jamie foxx show”.
He’s a below average looking dude who thinks he is THE SHIT.
well, it seems to me that
that kind of fake modesty and poser humility would make perfect sense on the Oprah show.
he is full of shit and so is she.
little talent
Dreamworks and Paramount made “Dreamgirls” – not Disney. Get your facts right.
I don’t care for Jamie. The best role he has ever had was Ray. He has walked through the rest of his roles since.
His music is exploding at the seams with sexual innuendos but unfortunately he doesn’t have the voice of the late great Barry White to carry it off. Instead of sounding sexy it simply sounds perverted…
I wish he would simply go away….
Jamie Foxx is cross eyed has buck teeth and played in 1 good movie.He will be back to t.v.in 3 years.Lets hope he saves his money and doesnt blow it on cars and houses,can you say M.C. Hammer Jamie?……Oh No!
Jamie Foxx is cross eyed has buck teeth and played in 1 good movie.He will be back to t.v.in 3 years.Lets hope he saves his money and doesnt blow it on cars and houses,can you say M.C. Hammer Jamie?……Oh No!
Jamie Foxx is cross eyed has buck teeth and played in 1 good movie.He will be back to t.v.in 3 years.Lets hope he saves his money and doesnt blow it on cars and houses,can you say M.C. Hammer Jamie?……Oh No!
Jamie used to “sleep” with a friend of mine, Rochelle (she’s a nude model here in Los Angeles) and she said that he would go down on her for hours–and I’m not talking about traditional oral sex. He’s definitely an ass man. This was all before Ray turned him into an ego maniac. After he became disinterested in her, she decided to move down a few notches on the celebrity meter and went for Bill Maher. He took her to the Emmy’s. For shame, Jamie, you couldn’t even take her to the Oscar’s.
??? wtf ???
Jamie is talented, we saw that in “Ray.” However, he shouldn’t be so arrogant. Everything that’s printed about him lately has been NEGATIVE… what goes up, must come down. Quit while you’re ahead Jamie.