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Janet Charlton's HOLLYWOOD


woodscut-FB8C-4E22-9%2331E6DB.jpgJames Woods plays a hard-boiled prosecutor on Shark but in real life he’s a pushover. He spoils his much-younger girlfriend Ashley Madison, and he also indulges his beloved cairn terrier Angel – who looks like Toto. He brings Angel to work on the set every day and she waits for him in his trailer. Everybody on the set knows her and Woods walks her when he gets a break. James hated leaving Angel alone for hours at a time, so he bought Angel her OWN little pet to keep her company. It’s a tiny Yorkie puppy – and now Angel doesn’t have a peaceful moment.

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  1. ISABEL B.

    J. WOODS splits, than back, splits again, back and splits several times from Madison…
    at same times dating other young girls, Madison blind or what ? genious actor WOODS knows how to manipulate women,

    ISABEL, Los Angeles


    see pix on ‘’//Feb.2009 = WOODS, 63, and DANIELLE PANABAKER, 20, together in New York, 18 Feb.2009’… Madison, 23, has been dumped ‘for good’ Oct.2008, there comes a short-term DATE with Panabaker, already over.
    Seriously WOODS needs psycho/medical care.

    ANN CARLA, Beverly Hills



  4. Anonymous

    He is funny as hell in tv interviews and an awesome actor…intense and driven. But, it is typical of a man like him to date someone without substance. He was 40 when she was born–anything prior to that is ancient history to her! He can tell her anything and she’ll believe it. Then again…its him that looks the perv…she is the one “smart enough” taking him for the ride. It’s just too bad though…his M.I.T. education doesnt seem to be rubbing off on her…just…other…things….

  5. Anonymous

    Aren’t there laws against this type of thing? Yeah, I know she’s LEGAL, but really!!! And, not to speak ill of the dead, but I thought Anna Nicole Smith was bad for marrying that old geezer with all the millions!

  6. Patsy

    She is an inconsiderate, immature, spoiled, selfish little media-whore twat! Her behaviour at Wood’s brother’s funeral was deplorable. Other that that, they make a good couple.

  7. anon

    Well hate to break the news to you …….but James and Ashley are still together.
    I saw them last night at a casino. She was running around the casino floor constantly, in case anyone missed her. She was starring in the “I need all the attention” show.
    When he stopped by the table she was playing at, she would stand up, kiss him and say loudly…..”love you baby”. This scene repeated itself no less than 5 times.
    She wanted attention, and she got it. Love you baby….muwaaaaah!!!……you and all your fame…muwaaaaaaah!!……

  8. Pervy Pervmeister

    That’s so sweet.
    He likes to f*ck kids.

  9. Bu

    He looks like her grandfather. What is wrong with this man that he has to date teen looking girlfriends? I would hate to see his weblog of where he goes on the internet. Scary man!

  10. Anonymous

    I hope she gets a nose job out of him before they split up. arf arf

  11. Anonymous

    Viagra, cash and fame equals bimbos a plenty. Woods is supposed to have a wand as big as his ego too!

  12. Anonymous

    i wonder if she has to pull his dick up with a string or a rope

  13. Anonymous

    if its true that this is his friends daughter, its sad that the man didnt kick james’ ass.

  14. Anonymous

    this isnt directly related to this….but somewhere along the line, everyone and their mother decided that they want to look like porn stars.

  15. Anonymous

    What’s with the shrunken jean jacket that the chick is wearing?
    Didn’t that style go out years ago?
    Oh, yea… These photos of her can be posted at the website for “do’s & don’t”. (which is a real hoot for pointing out chicks which have no style at all).

  16. Anonymous

    Photo is a little weak, I mean. It looks like they took a photo at a wax museum, kinda like the one in Kiev.
    I mean, if I were loaded like James Woods that’s where I’d be hanging out chasing young ladies who are so fine and trim.
    Are you sure her name isn’t Dolly Madison as in the snack cakes!

  17. Anonymous

    Her father is a friend of his and he knew her (not in the biblical sense I hope) when she was a child and has waited patiently for her to be legal- let him enjoy himself. When someone younger and richer comes along she’ll move along and he’ll have pleasant memories.

  18. Anonymous

    fugly lil biatch

  19. Anonymous

    They look like they have the same nose.

  20. Anonymous

    oh my goodness i thought that was his grand daughter WOW I am shocked! What a perv!

  21. Anonymous

    Oh who cares. As long as she’s at least 18, she can do what she wants. I say milk the old goat for all he’s worth.

  22. Anonymous

    Reminds of Little Red Riding Hood and the big, bad wolf.

  23. Hollywood Heartbreaker

    Seeing this photo has left me feeling soiled and used…
    I just threw up a little.

  24. Chaplin

    Atta boy.

  25. Bev

    Looks Like he has 3 dogs now

  26. Anonymous

    This photo is sick sick sick!

  27. Belissa

    How old is she? 12?
    Yes, tiny dogs are good bait.

  28. spy

    Yuck, poor girl… and I can’t believe her name is Ashley Madison! That’s the name of a dating website exclusively for cheaters!

  29. paris herpes hilton

    I would have thought that he could land a much prettier golddigger, because he is very, very wealthy and is rumored to have one of the very biggest d*cks in Hollywood.

  30. puketastic

    just look at this picture.
    it is as wrong as that pervy teacher in high school who seduced the girl in tenth grade. wrong. so wrong.
    he looks like the principal from ferris buellers day off.
    c c c c creepy!

  31. dude, you're gross.

    how nice he is into dogs. it must help in the drive to lure young virginal teenagers to his old, skanky self. his “girlfriend” looks like she is about 14 years old. yeah, looks like he is into the “barely legal” teen thing. dirty old man.