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Janet Charlton's HOLLYWOOD


James Franco’s career might be somewhat stalled, but he can console himself with the fact that he still has a good head of hair. In 2018, Franco was churning out low budget indie films that he directed, as well as teaching acting classes. Naturally his classes were a hot ticket, but some of the female students accused him of sexual misconduct. He told his students that he would have parts for them in his small films, but it turned out the roles were almost always for “prostitutes or hookers “ involving nudity. The young actresses were desperate to be in his films, and some claimed he took advantage of them. Interesting that Franco also taught a Master Class in sex scenes. Use your imagination. He did apologize for his crass behavior, but certainly his reputation lost some lustre.

Above, James Franco had brunch with friends in New York

Photo Credit: BACKGRID-USA

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  1. Who ordered the deviled cheese and ham?

    Hopefully this filthy creep gets arrested. Of course apatow the rascist made him what he is today.