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Janet Charlton's HOLLYWOOD


Zoe Saldana should frame this beautiful photo of her family, taken on the incredible day that she got her star on the Hollywood Walk of Fame. Not many actors can claim that they have several successful movie franchises under their belt, but Avatar star Zoe can, and she is set for life. The only visible flaw in her career is her movie Nina, which was filmed in 2012, and just released in April. When she accepted the role of singer and political activist Nina Simone, there was a huge uproar because she was “too pretty and light skinned” to play the part. The dark makeup and fake nose didn’t help, and the movie flopped – mostly because of the lame script and not Zoe’s valiant but unappreciated efforts. But hey, people make mistakes, and Zoe has everything else going for her. She wanted her husband Marco Perego and three sons Cy, Bowie, and Zen to share her very special Walk of Fame day.

Photo Credit: BACKGRID-USA

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  1. Zloty

    Love the family pix, esp the kids.

  2. Rrunner

    so he aint THAT nuts……………..

  3. Schlomo Titleman

    No children on blogs please