Afer two months of suspended animation, James Brown has been buried at an undisclosed location, and his wife Tomi Rae Hynie seems to have settled in Los Angeles. We’re told she is staying with some generous and wealthy friends and has enrolled James Jr in an LA school. There’s no doubt that James Jr is the music legend’s son – his teachers marvel at how much he resembles his famous dad, and he is said to have many mannerisms and physical moves just like James Sr. In other words, he’s inherited all that funky choreogaphy.
Thursday, February 22, 2007
she is a fraud lying out of her hynie.
I believe that this jr have the best thing that the kids could ever got from their Dad. Junior will make some name, fame and money in the music business.We will hear from him in the future…five to ten years or something…
She did have a relationship with him and little guy is just like his dad. Hes gonna be pissed off at his bros and sisters when he gets older. They better have a stash for him later.
Will the Brown siblings break this chick off a little somethin already? I mean come on – the child looks just like James though lighter in complexion. This is silly. Give her a little something so everyone can go their own way.
what is the story behind James Brown’s six adult children? what do they do… how many times was james married? they must all be fighting over the estate, and it seemed that they were pretty shabby to tomi rae..blocking her from entering her home, etc.
did she move home with her parents? who are these people that took her in now ? ah well, life goes on
Its good to know that he is happy. With so many people fighting for the money, you gotta hope that someone will be looking after him! Good luck to Tomi Rae and her son.
Another James Brown will always be welcome!