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Janet Charlton's HOLLYWOOD


There’s something about Jake Hoffman that we find irresistible. Maybe the earnest look on his face. Can you believe he’s 28 already? Besides being cute, he certainly has an admirable head of hair, although we wouldn’t mind seeing him cleanshaven. Jake was snapped at a New York cafe with a friend and we’re intrigued by the hole in the back of his T-shirt. Is that deliberate?

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  1. Bettye Bluejay

    That’s a female relative, and the hole in the shirt? He’s trying out being poor. Jerk.

  2. Malario

    He’s not a good dresser, definitely not a good dresser…

  3. kat

    my god, he’s a dead ringer for his dad!!
    what a hottie! (and I’m his dad’s age!)

  4. captain america

    FAGGOTS demand: NOOO TALKING, just fucking, folks!!