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Janet Charlton's HOLLYWOOD


#jackiestallone #plasticsurgery #janetcharlton

The Expendables 2 premier in Hollywood was loaded with celebrities but the irrepressible Jackie Stallone got as much attention as any of them. It’s nice to see that Sly and his astrologer mother are still close – she can be a handful. Believe it or not, Jackie is 90 years old and except for the inflated lips, she looks pretty darn good. It’s time for Sly to cut his mother’s plastic surgery allowance.
Photos via: Daily Mail

UPDATE: Sylvester Stallone says this is NOT his mother! Jackie Stallone was not at the premier and this unidentified imposter fooled everyone!

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  1. Mark Anthony

    Has she borrowed Stallones steroids because it’s working. I think she’s a Hollywood’s 90, thats to say old age reverse vanity. At 50 you say Im 70 and dont I look good kind of thing. No it’s impossible for her to be 90 with leg muscling like that or do we have the leg lift and filler now?

    Stallones sister yes completely plausible. The plot sickens.

  2. frankie

    Even Liz in the Garfield comic looks more attractive!

  3. mish mash

    Good eye, Missyco.

  4. CoCo

    Yeah, she looks at least 20 years younger than 90, but is it really worth it if you look like a freak?

  5. missyco

    I thought it was a fake Jackie as the face didn’t look the same and the body didn’t look like the pictures I remember. Who is this person? What is with those lips? You can actually see they are so stretched that 3/4 of inside lip is now outside of mouth!
    Is this fake male or female? Just askin’

  6. yoyo

    Pretty good imposter, she fooled most of us.

  7. Lauren

    Not Jackie geez does anyone do fact checking any more?????

  8. Ho Stroll

    Her lips look crazy, but at 90 years old you can do whatever the hell you want to do.

  9. Christine India

    By now, everyone knows that this is an imposter. She was busted by “Access Hollywood”. Had us all fooled. 🙁

  10. Denise

    Good grief she looks like she’s had a reaction from a million bee stings. Any doctor who would do that to a person should have his/her license stripped.

  11. Strom

    Skanky the clown!

  12. Tagg

    Go back and compare her to her best friend Georgia Holt – Cher’s mom. Georgia looks AMAZING for 86. Jackie is beyond scary.

  13. palermo

    Other than the lips she looks amazing for an almost 91 year old. If you look at photos of her a few years back her entire face was disfigured by plastic surgery. She has obviously had a neck lift also. How many women her age do you know who could stand up in those heels, I couldn’t myself LOL

  14. Patrick

    About to give birth.
    Through her mouth,

  15. Walt Cliff

    Yes, she’s ninety and soon to be ninety-one. She is certainly an interesting character.

  16. Diva

    She would scare small children

  17. phyllis weiss


  18. baja


  19. susieserb

    I thought this was Big Ang? I don’t care how she looks, for 90 I am in awe?

  20. Natalie

    90 or not, she looks ridiculous.

  21. Strom

    Circus freak

  22. Christine India

    She will be 91 in November of this year, according to Wiki. This birthdate must be correct; why would a female make herself older than she is? Anyway, the main thing is practicing astrology— not a good thing, per The Word.

  23. Hello

    She and big ang look like twins. She couldnt see in the stars that stAlones son’s was going to die?

  24. sandy

    Her face looks way overdone but look at her neck, legs and arms…No way she has 90 year old skin!

  25. XYZ

    Somebody put her to sleep and end her sufferance….

  26. XYZ

    She is not 90, sorry and no sane person would believe that for obvious reasons….

  27. Dawn Davenport

    For a second there, I thought it was Joan Collins.

  28. mama

    one word… ewwww!

  29. Will

    She doesn’t look 90. She looks embalmed.

  30. Bluejay

    90 and walking on her own power? Good for her.