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Janet Charlton's HOLLYWOOD



LOVE this photo of Jack Nicholson doing his Christmas shopping at Barneys – as usual. He’s been a customer of theirs as long as we can remember. Jack DOES have taste. He’s 78 now and there are rumors that he retired from acting for health reasons – supposedly he couldn’t remember his lines. But Jack responded that he still has the mind of a mathematician but he has no interest in doing films featuring bombs and explosives like most movies these days do. He admits he HAS given up hitting on women in public, but we wouldn’t be surprised to find him trolling online.

Photo Credit: AKM-GSI

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  1. Bucky M

    Great actor. Stinky looking in this photo. Probably just rolled off a hooker.

  2. Bonnie

    Now, he’s what you can call a real movie star

  3. Strom

    Yep, Jack never thought he would last this long by a long shot.

  4. Pit Bull LOVER

    Jack Rules! One of the greats!!
    and bugger off with what you think about trolling online……i am sure that is one thing he would never have to resort to if he was interested…..

    “You know — this used to be a helluva good country. I can’t understand what’s going wrong with it.”–Jack Hanson–Easy Rider

    “Ever dance with the devil in the pale moonlight?” – The Joker, “Batman”

  5. roadrunner

    happy to see my friend is alive & well….

  6. Bluejay

    Corduroy pants all wrinkled and bunched up ain’t doing this guy any favors.

  7. noblecascade

    good to see this old coot!