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Janet Charlton's HOLLYWOOD


The crazier a rock star is, the more fun it is to meet their mom. Even Lady Gaga has a mother to answer to and there’s more than a slight resemblance. Gaga’s mother Cynthia Germanotta is in the UK with her daughter and has joined her for several cities of her European tour. Both have a penchant for sunglasses. We can just imagine mom warning Gaga to “Be careful walking in those gigantic platforms or you’ll fall over and break your neck!”

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  1. Reta

    Sebastian, haven’t I been telling you this all along? DU-UH…..

  2. SebastianCanada

    Then Strom, you are not only a disgusting racist, but a very bad one at that.

  3. Lenny

    Thanks strom, I knew you had it in you.

  4. strom

  5. strom

    Wrong, but I have nothing against Italians or any other race.

  6. SebastianCanada

    Lenny, I am pretty convinced that Strom is of Mediterranean origin. Here is why:

    He says the most extreme racist things. I have met people like that, and they would definitely say something racist about an Italian. Strom always backs off from doing this, and the couple times that I have called him out on it he has never responded.

    Maybe it is just he has a soft-spot for the Mediterranean — likes Roman showers and Greek love (receiving).

  7. Lenny

    strom, could you at least say the white Lady GaGa? It would make us feel real good.

  8. Reta

    I like your question Sebastian, can we turn it into a suggestion? I’d say toss the entire wardrobe in the pile and then step back before the missile hits!

  9. Pippa-London

    Gaga a ‘rock star’? ROTFLMAO!

  10. XYZ

    Her mom looks like CELINE DION.

  11. SebastianCanada

    GaGa looks so restrained and conservatively-dressed in that picture. Is she going to a funeral? Did one of her costumers get killed in a horrible taffetta-nepalm accident???

  12. Teddy

    Wow, the resemblance is profound. And also, GaGa should just stick to variations of this outfit. She really should pull the reins on her absurd costumes. They work against her.

  13. strom

    Laughing to the bank but it doesnt say much for the audience.

  14. wim

    thanks, NOW WE KNOW FROM WHOM SHE HEIRED THE “Shit-Looks””.