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Janet Charlton's HOLLYWOOD


tomkatcutHere’s Tom and Katie Cruise showing off with the most positive thing in their lives: baby Suri. The press likes to dwell on Tom’s Scientology fanaticism and Katie’s supposed “unhappiness and isolation.” But photos like these of the family together with adorable little Suri prominently featured, makes everything seem idyllic. Suri looks like she’s learning to walk. At what age does the brainwashing start?

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  1. Penny

    Wearing heals to the beach? Who does that? Does anyone else think Suri is too big for her age and far to advanced. She appears more like four months older than she is. Is that why they didn’t show her for months?

  2. liz

    you dont think this looks
    phony? she’s got heels on,
    he’s wearing tennies, and that
    kid is STILL barefoot!!!
    please…..heels on the boardwalk,,,at the ocean….
    give me a break!

  3. Anonymous

    Janet, did you get this photo from Paul Bloch’s people? Of course it’s a photo-op!

  4. Zelinka's Mommie

    I completely agree with those who have said this is a photo op- this midget is a control freak and Katie wants an Oscar so badly she would marry this guy- yes he is the puppet master. I refuse to spend my money on any of their films. Remember people he claimed many years ago he was impotent- this was in the news. He continues the charade. If she “wins” an Oscar it will be pathetic.

  5. Anonymous

    Suri is gorgeous! Katie tromped around the whole time in heels — even while she was wearing shorts. She is trying to make her legs look better. I still think Katie does not realized she is being used!

  6. Anonymous

    that child is going to be BEAUTIFUL. she already is. no one is interested in toms other kids so thats why we almost never see them on pictures.

  7. Margo Channing

    It’s a photo op of the lowest kind. Parade around the alien baby and try like hell to look happy.
    Not buying it.
    Speaking of buying, Tommy Grrrrrl is apparently so enthralled with David Beckham that he wants to buy a piece of the LA Galaxy for nearly $90 million. Man, the lengths this homo won’t go to to get next to Becks; he probably has it written in his offer that he gets to watch David shower while he spanks his teensy little monkey and whimpers like a child.

  8. cootie

    the kid can already walk as old as she is

  9. heb

    Katie looks absolutely ridiculous at the beach in those shoes. And Suri, has never grown on me, she’s still kind of creepy.

  10. Anonymous

    The puppet, the puppeteer, and the mini-puppet.
    What’s the story on why Nicole doesn’t have the kids?

  11. Anonymous

    Brainwashing starts after birth, as EVERY child in this world knows! I would rather be brainwashed by Tom and Kate than Bubba and Lindy Lou or Sadam and his cache.

  12. kait


  13. Bev

    How cute,the uber gay husband out with the press humgry wife in heels at the beach no less,with the turkey baster off spring

  14. Anonymous

    OH PLEASE!!!

  15. MISSY


  16. Anonymous

    where are his other kids?

  17. Anonymous

    I think it is a complete photo op. She is dressed for a fine dinner, not the beach.
    She looks as old as he does, and he is trying too hard to look as young as she is. It only makes him unattractive. Bleh
    But Suri is cute as a button.

  18. Anonymous

    damn, Anonymous 1.
    Beat me to it!

  19. Anonymous

    “seam?” That pretty much sews it up!