
Photo Credit: Splash News

Murals as tributes to Michael Jackson are popping up on blank walls around Los Angeles. This particular one looks suspiciously like a woman. Who do you think this artwork resembles?

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  1. ” Who do you think this artwork resembles?”

    Michael Jackson(Thriller Era)

    ……………….maybe a FAGGOT?
    who knows?

  3. okay, I said the same thing when I saw this picture. This mural is on Melrose Avenue, across the street from Los Angeles City College. I took a picture of this mural on my cell phone and i said the SAME thing when I was taking the picture – that doesn’t look like Michael, that looks like a woman or a hispanic man. I was watching the young man paint this mural, so I guess this is how HE saw Michael, which is fine. We can’t judge how this young man saw Michael in his mind. He was a young man expressing his feelings the best way he could, and there were alot of people standing on that corner watching him work.

  4. It definitely looks like a middleaged woman. Its hideous.

  5. It doesn’t look like him at all.

    It’s a SHAME We lost a legend & there won’t be anyone like him for a long long time, Michael Jackson was a GENIUS. They should find out who was responsible for Michael Jackson’S (THE KING OF POP)death.

  6. It’s HIDEOUS….just like the real child molesting freak himself!!

  7. its just plain UGLY…it doesn’t look like Michael, although I know that was the idea…ugh…paint over it…

  8. This mural obviously took some time, but unfortunately it looks like Iman.

  9. Actually, it looks better than he did. He was a freak with a wig. Try and put THAT on a mural.

  10. I think you are copying Perez’s format a little too closely!! You centered your things like he has it, you are asking what we think, the whole thing is starting to look like his site. Why don’t you just color it pink & be done with it. You suck, your shit always sucked too!

  11. This is excellent artwork, except for one thing. It doesn’t look like the subject he painted, Michael Jackson. This artist needs to learn how to make his paintings look like his subjects.

  12. All you fucks have no lives no talent and no heart, you people make me want to thow up. Props to the the artist whos actually exspressing himself and doing some thing with his life other than talking shit on the internet

  13. I live close by to this mural, as soon as I saw it I said ” Michael Jackson”.
    To me looks like him,no surgeries done yet.
    Thanks for asking about what we thought.

  14. It looks like an attempt to copy the photo of 80s Michael that appeared on the cover of “The Essential Michael Jackson” cd. It’s a well known photo of him – a version of it also appeared on the cover of Entertainment Weekly the week after he died. I think the intent was to paint Michael as he looked in this particular picture, unfortunately, it is off just enough to make him look like a woman. It’s the thought and intent that counts though, and I don’t think the artist intended for it to be unflattering.

  15. if the nose was painted at a lower level it would change the structure of his face. everything else is fine the eyes the lips it’s just the nose. the nose looks smudged and mushed to the middle of his face maybe he ran out of black paint.

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