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Janet Charlton's HOLLYWOOD





Kanye West walked out of his Soho apartment dressed exactly like a burglar, all in black, with a hoodie, EXCEPT for his expensive designer sneakers. He’s on his way to a presentation event for his Yeezy sneaker collection for Adidas. Kanye’s sneakers sell for around $350, but they are limited editions (9000 pairs produced) so the value goes way UP. Expect to see them on eBay for $10,000! That white pair looks like it will add a few inches of height!

Photo Credit: AKM-GSI

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  1. Strom

    Frank has never met a cause or issue that cannot be blamed on slavery that ended in 1865. The fact that Blacks don’t have everything they want without working for it really rubs him. They are just poor people, Frank, aren’t they who are denied everything because they are Black. It should be their time and they should be paid reparations for everything the mean old white people did to people that have been dead for well over a century.

    By Frank
    On February 14, 2015 at

    Don’t like Kanye. But to say he’s dressed like a burglar has a really racist overtone…

  2. allan

    why would any sane person buy those ugly shoes especially knowing that asshole had anything to do with them

  3. Strom

    Poor little imposter pervert….it would love to get some of these shoes or maybe high heels to enhance its gay lifestyle.

    Kayne’s wife is a disgrace to her race and was happy to offer all of her openings to numerous BLACK men for sex!

  4. Gerseygal

    Money can not buy you class…He should learn manners…

  5. Strom

    Are the shoes available in size 16?

  6. NotAtAll

    Thank you Mojo!!!!!!!!!!!!!! I will never purchase Adidas again. I blame them for this nonsense. And let’s not forget Anna Wintour. I am not buying that crap about it’s not about her taste, it’s about a new market whether she likes it or not. Stop attending this crap Anna! Stop Stop Stop

  7. Palermo

    He always looks like he’s there to unclog the toilets or fix the drains. How is he a fashion designer.

  8. Strom

    Nothing is free….Kardashians provide payola in many ways to the media.

  9. Daniel Troppy

    I long for the days of the pre Kardashians and of course this no talent Kanye West. When will the media realize that for every bit of free PR they give these people the richer they become. I’m so tired of having to see anything related to the Kardashians or this jackass….

  10. ah-yuck

    A paper bag over his head would be appropriate.

  11. Strom

    Tiny little Bob, never gets it right. Strom is only Strom, but there are many wanna be’s!

  12. Carlos Danger


    The reason why Adidas is working with that racist ahole is because Adidas is hurting business wise. Their name isn’t hip and their shoes don’t sell all that well. They believe bringing in that POS will help them get street cred and sell shoes.





  14. mojo

    What the fcuk is wrong with adidas offering this @sshole any kind of money for a sneaker design? R U shitting me? They are sneakers and he isn’t even an athlete. And he isn’t really a trained designer either. What the fcuk is wrong with people that they are buying this crap?

  15. Bob

    Nah, strom, you are like 38 people, all crawling around in your head. like I said, you are straight up f_ _ _ _ _ _ up dude!!!!

  16. Frank

    Don’t like Kanye. But to say he’s dressed like a burglar has a really racist overtone…

  17. Denise

    I would rather pay $350.00 and buy 5 pairs of another designer’s shoes than his. Has anyone seen his latest clothing line? It’s worse than these shoes.

  18. Daggers

    I am so tired of his mug turning up everywhere you look. He looks like a street thug.

    He is so fugly, but the first king of the fugly is Jay-Z. KW comes in a close second.

  19. bon

    I wouldn’t pay $3.50 for those ugly sneakers.

  20. Carlos Danger

    Someone should beat that racist POS silly with those $350 pair of shoes.

  21. Shelby

    Kanye was hit hard by several branches of the Fugly Tree he fell out of. He just has to be seen and heard. He said he hears voices? Why doesn’t that surprise anybody? He is truly one of the most obnoxious, no talent people I have ever seen. Why is he given publicity at all?

  22. Strom

    Becca, the answer is little Bob is squealing with delight since he saw the shoes and will try to get a pair as soon as he gets his next call center paycheck.

  23. Strom

    Poor little Bob, Strom is only Strom.

  24. Bob

    strom thats pretty creepy that dee cee in your head.
    you need medical care ASAP dude!!! Large amounts of drugs!!!
    straight up f_______ up you are

  25. Becca

    Exactly who is so stupid to wear those ugly ass shoes?

  26. Philberto Cardenez

    Why do Americans idolize these vacuous street level thugs?

  27. mister baja

    so BURGLARS are his new fans…………..

  28. Dee Cee

    The voices in his head tell him ugly is beautiful and pain inflicted on others is their fun if the insult and criticism comes from him.. Dress the kid in dreary, adult ways, let her be too hot, too cold, wet and nothing to play with.. also expose the ugly deformed wife who wants to be naked as much as possible and call her perfect! He is not a caring, creative, loving human.. He’s a moron of excuses and little talent. He hates women.. But to him, with little vision or taste.. Being ugly..and having money is a blast. Opposite is Brilliant and so refine.. Scare your child and make her miserable in a barren existence and drag her about for publicity.. Fashion shows are normally like high class clubs with flashing lights, loud music, and sometimes alcohol may he provided., while many do drugs.. let these deviates touch her and hold her.. best place for IgNORI to enjoy..