It sure looks that way. The Chicago Fire star is one of the hottest bachelors on TV but he doesn’t seem to know it. He modestly puts up with his fiancee Lady Gaga’s every whim and career idiosyncrasy. He’s there when she needs him, and not there when she’s better off on her own. We’re betting he’ll be on the red carpet with her when she attends The Golden Globes. She IS a nominee! Above, Gaga was honored at Billboard’s 2015 Woman of the Year awards and he helped her carry their Christmas attired dogs.
Photo Credit: AKM-GSI
Friday, December 11, 2015
Bucky M
LOl!!!!!! Love the comment from Bluejay about overdosing on AHS & being afraid of the basement.
I wish there was an end date to the gag outfits, Gaga dressed with some real style.
One miserable winter I overdosed on AHS on Netflix. I was afraid to go in the basement for a long time. Won’t watch it again, so can’t say what kind of an actress Gaga is.
Perhaps the dog is a better boyfriend, it’ll remain faithful.
Bucky M
“Mare Winningham is more interesting than she.”—– namers
just a singer, nothing more
Great singer. Silly songwriter. Undeserving of nominations; boring and already signed on for next season. Denis O’hare, Evan Peters, Cathy Bates are all better than she on AHS. Mare Winningham is more interesting than she.
She’s just plain gross. What is the deal with walking all over the hem of your dress?! Just another attention getting stunt with that and carrying the dogs around like props!
Bucky M
Adorable dogs. Love her voice. Dislike her personality and fashion.
Her mom should have told her to never date anyone cuter than you.
Oddball w/ another Oddball
What bf are u talking about? He’s the “beard”
let me put it this way, a dog isnt baggage…………….A BOY FRIEND IS NOW!!