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Janet Charlton's HOLLYWOOD


Sylvester Stallone has long been somewhat obsessed with his height. His true height is somewhere between 5’8” and the 5’11” that he claims. We remember years back when he was making a movie at a film studio, and he sent someone out to look for male extras for a scene with him. It didn’t matter what they looked like – they just had to be shorter than him! Like that OTHER action star, Tom Cruise, Sly buys elevator shoes from expensive Italian shoemakers, although he IS credited with being the first actor to wear built up sneakers. So we were surprised to see this photo of Sly shopping in Rome with a couple of friends and several bodyguards who are ALL bigger than he is, in spite of his heeled cowboy boots… It also makes you wonder why Sly NEEDS bodyguards…

Photo Credit: BACKGRID-USA

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  1. Zapatista

    He needs protection because he is a made man and underboss of George “Georgie Neck” Zappola in Jersey.