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Janet Charlton's HOLLYWOOD



Aerosmith is in a shambles, what with Joe Perry telling the Las Vegas Sun that Steven Tyler quit the band, and Steven Tyler denying it. What IS going on with these guys? According to Roger Friedman at the Hollywood Reporter, the band can’t agree on who should manage them. But the real complication seems to be Steven’s intrusive girlfriend, Erin Brady (who has been compared to Courtney Love.) She thinks Steven, at 61, could be the hottest solo artist of all time. Friedman also suggests that Steven, who was on the wagon for years, has been partying a bit too heavily with 35 year old billionaire Justin Murdock. Maybe drugs are on the menu again. Can this band be saved?

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  1. Casonia of Seattle..Hells kitchen is frustrating to some degree because your forced to be with Bitches like Elisa and that has to be a major pain in the ass..That all the woman where kicked out and she was the last woman standing. She is well hated by the

    He is a strong and pushy man and needs to do what is right for him and what make him happy and gives him joy and at this time this man needs to father himself?

  2. Casonia of Seattle..Hells kitchen is frustrating to some degree because your forced to be with Bitches like Elisa and that has to be a major pain in the ass..That all the woman where kicked out and she was the last woman standing. She is well hated by the

    Never assume anything or you will look like an ass and…Steven is young at heart and can move with the best of them and his life has some twist and turns and we have gone on rides with him as well.

  3. Casonia of Seattle..Hells kitchen is frustrating to some degree because your forced to be with Bitches like Elisa and that has to be a major pain in the ass..That all the woman where kicked out and she was the last woman standing. She is well hated by the

    I am a fan big time and will alway love his music and his dance and how he moves and looks at that chest very nice and really great shape and has sexy writen all over and his girl friend is Beautiful and lovely and yummy the two of them together.

  4. Casonia of Seattle..Hells kitchen is frustrating to some degree because your forced to be with Bitches like Elisa and that has to be a major pain in the ass..That all the woman where kicked out and she was the last woman standing. She is well hated by the

    Still looking sexy after all this time and his body and lips make you want to kiss every thing and looking good for 61 years old and can sing his ass off still.

  5. Jake

    With all he’s done to maintain his sobriety, he’s now gonna toss it all down the drain and die a junkie. Wow, does that chick look like Courtney Love’s understudy or what?
    And we all know how great HER junkie love story turned out, right?
    Get clean Steven. Seriously.

  6. Joey

    Hell,he made it to 61,might as well go down swingin. Rock on gramps.

  7. FatFrau

    Love me some stuff below that belt buckle.

  8. right

    “Can this band be saved”…. Sure hope not. It’s time to be puke, puking on heavins door.

  9. 6767

    It’s not a secret that Steven has fell off the wagon. Sad but true, Get your act together Tyler, You rule!

  10. Reta

    Where does he hide his junk in that low slunk piece of crap getup? Man, THAT’S one ugly old dude!

  11. Bu

    Looks like he is back using again! At 61 that’s not too cool!

  12. captain america