Mickey Rourke brought along his beloved pooch for Christmas Eve lunch at Caffé Roma with his buddies. He can be forgiven for a multitude of fashion offenses because everyone looks better with a dog. Really. Mickey has done a lot of bad things to his own appearance, but he actually looks cute because he and his dog have the same little smile.
Photo Credit: AKM-GSI
Can’t he afford a better toupe
It would take stadium filled with dogs to even remotely improve his looks.
Is tragic and sad what he has had done to his face.
I agree 9n the wig. He needs to ditch it. Ughhhhh !
Why would any restaurant let him in?
He appeared to have decent features in the 1980 movies but sometime after that it looks like he must have linked up with a far-sighted plastic surgeon.
nice comparisson…………
Carrying a little sissy dog around like he is Paris Hilton ? What the heck?
Makes me wonder if he has some wigs, evening gowns and pearls that he might like to try on every now and again?