Apparently Diana Ross does much of her own food shopping because she’s frequently spotted at supermarkets. But this week she parked in a handicapped space outside Bristol Farms – with no placard in sight. She seemed to have no trouble loading her bags into the car so hopefully she’s not suffering from any afflictions. Keep in mind she often rides in a wheelchair at the airport and hops out and walks on her own once she reaches the terminal. Diana has sent much of this summer on a concert tour across the country.
Photo Credit: AKM-GSI
Wednesday, August 24, 2016
No but she is very arrogant and how many times has JCH run this picture?
Not exactly breaking Hollywood News. TMZ not exactly quaking!
Walter Cliff
I have no idea if she does or doesn’t have a disability. However, keep in mind there are disabilities that people suffer from that are not obvious to the public.
I carried her groceries to the regular lot at Von’s.
She must have been having a trying day.
Fred Tse
Disgraceful behaving