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Janet Charlton's HOLLYWOOD


For some unknown reason, Brad Pitt is not getting the recognition he deserves for being one of the FEW people (and perhaps the ONLY MAN) who confronted Harvey Weinstein for his aggressive sexual behavior. This is a BIG DEAL and it clearly defines Brad’s character. Brad approached Weinstein in a public place and called him out for making a pass at Brad’s then-girlfriend Gwyneth Paltrow and warned him NEVER to do it again. Of the hundreds of women harassed (and far worse) by Harvey Weinstein – is Brad the ONLY decent man who spoke up and courageously addressed Weinstein’s abysmal behavior? None of those other agents, managers, or boyfriends said A WORD? And remember, Brad spoke out BEFORE Harvey’s downfall loosened everyone’s lips! Sorry Angelina, but Brad Pitt is a real life hero!

Photo Credit: BACKGRID-USA

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  1. Toby Flenderson

    Hey Janet –

    No mention of Brad’s disgusting Hurricane Houses?

  2. Giuliana de Pandi Rancid

    corrrection: “assaultive behavior”

  3. Giuliana de Pandi Rancid

    BRAVO to Brad; once again he’s proven to be an exceptional man.

    But our personal MVP in all this is Terry Crews–whose unwillingness “to just let it go” endangered his very future in Hollywood.

    The “it” in question, of course, was his public groping by talent agent (read 10 percent parasite) Adam Venit.

    Venit’s case–as well as that of Weinstein, Moonves, Rose, Lauer, etc., etc.–the list is long, reminds us that sexual jollies aside, these assault incidents are about POWER–and how it’s wielded, in Hollywood and the media complex at large.

    What Venit did to Crews in literal terms, was to handle “his” (Venit’s) supposed “property”–just as prospective owners once routinely groped slaves offered for sale on the auction block.

    Crews’s refusal to stand for this resulted in the preemptive end of Venit’s Hollywood career.

    And lest we forget (as the insider Hollywood media outlets would prefer), an investigation into Venit’s activities revealed a SERIES of assualtive behavior.

    A POWER PREDATOR undone, thanks to the strength of Terry Crews’s resolve. (And here we were thinking that his hilarious turn as the President of the United States in “Indiocracy” was the best thing we’d seen him do! 😀 )

  4. Wilson

    He seems to be the only MALE or FEMALE who had enough character to confront him. Lots of people allowed this to continue to happen, not just men.

  5. clarence

    he bought an extra penis for this occaision?

  6. Furio Giunta

    A flawed hero dripping in depravity