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Janet Charlton's HOLLYWOOD


Really, it was only a matter of time before the 69 year old French actor Gerard Depardieu would cross the line. This is a man who peed in the aisle of an Air France plane in full view of passengers because the bathroom was locked for takeoff, causing a two hour delay for everyone on the flight. (Apparently drunk, he was kicked off the plane – but his sense of entitlement was memorable.) In other incidents, he punched another driver in a road rage and fell off his scooter in a drunken stupor. He’s a French guy with an attitude who happens to be a powerful movie star – OF COURSE he’s probably a sexual predator…

Photo Credit: BACKGRID-USA

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  1. clarence

    he was just horny for the day so why bother?

  2. becca

    If he never gets charged with anything, Janet, you better have a really good libel lawyer!

  3. Diane McGill

    He could have used a cup instead of peeing on the floor.

  4. zPippa

    Janet is the accuser, judge and jury

  5. clarence

    ……..these old men don’t have controle of their penis………..sad but true.