We love this picture of Katie Holmes shopping in Paris. It’s almost TOO perfect – you can see the quaint street behind her and she looks to be on a euphoric shopping high. And she’s SO stylish compared to those soccer mom outfits we usually see her in. Since she hooked up with Tom, Katie has developed a major yen for designer clothes. We think she’s amassing a spectacular wardrobe – or trousseau- suitable for the first lady of Scientology.
Saturday, October 7, 2006
she was a dlist star before selling her soul to the scientologists and she will continue to be one after. I feel sorry for poor chinese baby suri. she will have 2 freaks for parents.Well, let me rephrase that since katie will be busy being a shopoholic and tom will be jetting around trying to be convince people hes is hetero. the chinese baby will be raised by nannies so maybe she will have a chance.
this gal looks miserable and terrified in her pics.
YES all the money and fame..why she hides all the time. The pictures you see are not really her. Yeah here is the scoop they are really just cartoons made to look real and YOU fell for it. DUMMY
not worth it, this gal looks miserable and terrified in her pics.
the oversized sunglasses conceal the look of terror in her eyes.
signing your soul over to beezelebub is no bargain!
Katie smells
Love the Cruise
Still with Tom, he got Nicole a career.
Of course she has a major yen for fashion when she has a sugar daddy to pay the bill. Gold Digger.
2 years ago no one photographed her.
speculation is that it’s not even Tom’s kid. It may be her ex’s. Chris something…
I’ve got legs like that. Really ugly and not made for skirts. It’s true.
Terrible mom, Katie Holmes. I NEVER thought I’d say this, but Britney Spears is a MUCH better mother than Katie Holmes. Britney incorporates her baby in her daily life from shopping to driving, etc. Celebrities such as Gwyneth Paltrow, Angelina Jolie, Gwen Stefani, etc. etc. etc. have all numerously been seen with their babies out in public. They are living their lives, normally, despite all the papparazi following them around.
I’m not buying into this bullshit pr sham a la Katie Holmes and Tom Cruise. Everything they do is so contrived. They think the public are idiots. Well, we’re not. I’m never spending another penny on any project, book, magazine, movie, tv show, production, etc. these two are involved in. It doesn’t matter how many times Tom Cruise poses with his “baby” (I believe he is NOT the father) or he and Katie “rescue people” from the sides of the roads, or gives away money at his premieres, he’s STILL THE SAME ARROGANT, OBNOXIOUS, JERK AND FREAK UNDERNEATH ALL THAT SMILE and STAGE.
Not one penny.
She’ll look very fasionable at the Scientology meetings.
She’s not trying to compete with Nicole, is she?
Almost all pap-pix are posed and set-up. It’s fun to see how eurotrash Posh and white trash Katie try to mix their cultures. Katie is still a bit wobbley.
A posed & set up photo.
Either the photog is a $cientologist or one of the paps did it for another reason.
I agree with you 2:06, she DOES look a lot like Penelope. Pen was smart and kicked him to the curb when she saw the writing on the wall. Unfortunately, it’s too late for KH. Now that she has a kid from this maniac, she will never be able to get away from him. I think she realizes this now and figures, what the hell, might as well spend his money.
Am I wrong but this is not gossip.
L Ron Hubbard
If she hadn’t been picked by Tom Cruise to be his new beard to cover up the fact he likes to suck KAWK, no one would really care or write about Katie Holmes.
Margo Channing
Suri is kept in a glass cage with a water-drip bottle and a bowl of live mice to eat
Lisa McPherson
so sad. so very sad. that poor girl. I wonder what they are doing to Suri while she is away.
The clothes are part of her
Is it me or is she looking a lot like Penelope Cruz…Tom’s former “love’.
Poor Katie how long will it take to de-program her.
I think she looks adorable in that picture and I hope she’s happy with the life she’s chosen.
That is the best and smartest I have seen her look in the last year!!! Posh must have made some dent in her wardrobe. She is definitely shopping for her wedding dress…I predict it will be between now and Thanksgiving..She is in Paris for her fitting..and using the shows to hide her plans…
That is the best and smartest I have seen her look in the last year!!! Posh must have made some dent in her wardrobe. She is definitely shopping for her wedding dress…I predict it will be between now and Thanksgiving..She is in Paris for her fitting..and using the shows to hide her plans…
Still has the legs of a soccer player…
Shes in the money now!
How come the lizards got all the money?
The clothes are compensation for having to live with Crazy Cruise.
barfff! Big deal… so she is actually leaving the house a few times without Tom, and wearing some fancy clothes. Who cares. This doesn’t qualify as news or gossip.