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Janet Charlton's HOLLYWOOD


#ikea #janetcharlton

Is anybody else tired of “respecting” other people’s religions even when it means demeaning and insulting women? And to think we always had such a high opinion of Ikea! It has been revealed by the Stockholm paper Metro, that ALL WOMEN have been deleted from the Ikea catalog for Saudi Arabia! Every image of a female – including a photo of Audrey Hepburn was edited OUT. Ikea is in the habit of tailoring catalogs for each country to appeal to local taste and cultural standards but THIS is too much. When confronted with this insult to women, an Ikea rep gulped and admitted the move is “in conflict with company values and Ikea is reviewing its procedures.” No kidding.
UPDATE: This morning Star Jones said she didn’t see anything wrong with what Ikea did.

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  1. Denise

    Oh Strom, teflon coated as ever.

    I get that Ikea must go along to do business in Saudi Arabia. What I find amusing about the ad is that at least from the photo above, removing the women makes it appear as if the men are the caregivers for their children.

    The Korean worker story if true, is more than enough to put me off ever buying anything from Ikea.

  2. Strom

    Poor Andrea…never been to Saudi no doubt or talked to Saudi women. MOST, not all, Saudi women love their life and spend money life wildfire. When they travel outside Saudi they look and act like any other. When at home, they look and act like any other. When in public in Saudi they conform to the local traditions.

  3. Strom

    Poor Brandy…nothing to contribute, as is usual!

    The rate of herpes and std’s among Saudi women is among the lowest in the world. The rate among American BLACK women is 50%…enough said!

    Based on that alone…it would seem that the Saudi’s dont need a lecture from western PC’ers!

  4. brandy

    you make no sense at all Strom, just another trolling idiot.

  5. Strom

    Poor ADP just wants to transmit its PC thoughts to the rest of the world and is too ignorant of the the rest of the world to understand why that doesnt work.

    As I said, Most Saudi women do not believe they are being treated poorly and outside their own country they dress and act as do others.

    Bra burners have done much more harm than good to the women’s movement. Most of these are lesbians who are men haters or just trying to score themselves.

  6. avoir du pois

    hey dumbass, there’s no “perspective” western or otherwise, when it applies to human rights. It’s that simple – there are either rights or not, and by definition, inalienable rights are just that, beyond political or national agenda or a philosophy.

    It’s amazing how stupid you can be Strom, so as you never let a little thing like accurate information, or reality interfere with your bullshit do you ?

  7. Strom

    The rate of herpes and std’s among Saudi women is among the lowest in the world. The rate among American BLACK women is 50%…enough said!

  8. Strom

    Of course I answered the question: Human rights from a western perspective mean nothing outside the west. As I said, Most Saudi women do not believe they are being treated poorly and outside their own country they dress and act as do others.

    Bra burners have done much more harm than good to the women’s movement. Most of these are lesbians who are men haters or just trying to score themselves.

  9. avoir du pois

    is there a reason you did’t answer her question Strom ? instead of spouting more BS ?

    ” I wonder what you’d think, if there were in kind, no human rights for men ?

    try to see beyond your of fetishes and fixations

  10. Strom

    Poor Andrea…never been to Saudi no doubt or talked to Saudi women. MOST, not all, Saudi women love their life and spend money life wildfire. When they travel outside Saudi they look and act like any other. When at home, they look and act like any other. When in public in Saudi they conform to the local traditions.

    It is the radical western PC’ers, including gnarly lesbo’s who stir up these women and tell them how disenfranchised they are…serves no good purpose and has led to tragic feelings against the west.

    Live your own sort of life and let these people enjoy theirs so long as it does not impact you or those around you. Gay parades do impact those around you.

    The rate of herpes and std’s among Saudi women is among the lowest in the world. The rate among American BLACK women is 50%…enough said!

  11. strumpet's Trumpet


  12. Andrea

    Strom, Saudi Arabia has no, what you so glibly call – “values”, as there are no actual human rights for women –

    I wonder what you’d think, if there were in kind, no human rights for men ? a local interpretation or perhaps a modest proposal ?

    your stupidity is really quite breathtaking

  13. chris

    Shame on Ikea and Star Jones.

  14. Strom

    Big Deal…Ikea has to have a local partner (Saudi)to operate in Saudi Arabia and that partner knows what it takes to do business in the country. If IKEA was more interested in PC than $$$$ they would not have opened a store. Values are different in each country and the gay/lesbo/bra burners values that have ruined many countries are not accepted in many other places.

  15. Strom

    The PC’ers would prefer a catalog page with a rainbow or same sex couple and a halfbreed child. Maybe a couple of tranny’s.

    50% of Saudi women do not have herpes and a hate filled Patti Labelle would have had her large ass flogged for her tirade.

  16. Strom

    Ha, poor Andrea and Jenny, I feel so sorry for you…join hands and protest against the rights of a company to make a brochure like IT wants to instead of like YOU want it to!

    It’s not my view that 50% of BLACK women have and spread herpes…it is from the CDC. Societal reasons hooey. Conservative BLACKS who go to work every day dont have time for this. They have just been the victims of the Obama people who want to keep them dumb, poor, dependent, and infected!

  17. Andrea

    Jenny don’t feel sorry for Strom, not for a minute …

    His diatribes are all he is and has, actually – his bleak distorted, hateful reality is over populated by invented and cartoonish “PC enablers, BLACKS, Knarley lesbians, bad Jews” other weekly candidates for his puerile hate.

    When not peering through strangers bedroom windows, he lives contentedly deep in his mothers basement, spending his day masturbating and trolling the web for other mouth breathers.

  18. Jenny

    Strom its not about the Saving whales? Join hands with Obama, your fixation on the number of African American women with herpes INSTEAD OF the societal reasons for it, your constant put down of feminists, gays and anyone who threatens your bigoted white male privilege. You truly are a pathetic person. I feel sorry for you

  19. anonTWO

    Deplorable and very telling.

    A culture in which women should not even exist?!!!

    However you feel about religion or women, you should remember we all were born from a woman’s body!

    Is that why women are hated so much in that culture and our even own?

    Because we were born from a woman and we really hate our own existence, we in turn hate women and want women to disappear?

    and I’m not anti-muslim but this criticism is justified.

    This is a photo of a family, fully clothed with no sexual implication whatsoever and yet their religious beliefs dictate “woman be gone”!!

  20. Meg

    well said Pit Bull


    fuck the muslims

  22. Strom

    And the PC idiots above me don’t know the first thing about IKEA or any company. IKEA is much like Benneton in that they are quite focused on saving the whales and that sort of jibberish. Whether they have women or children or fish in their catalog really means nothing as they sell household goods.

    Now the PC’ers can join hands and sing “we are the world” and shed tears that Obama “cares” for them!

  23. Jenny

    IKEA is just another corporation that will do any and everything for profit. No morals, no ethics just profit. Sexism, slave labor, etc doesn’t matter to them as long as they make money. Just as knowledge, understanding and tolerance don’t matter to a couple of the idiot posters above me.

  24. Strom

    Big Deal…Ikea has to have a local partner (Saudi)to operate in Saudi Arabia and that partner knows what it takes to do business in the country. If IKEA was more interested in PC than $$$$ they would not have opened a store. Values are different in each country and the gay/lesbo/bra burners values that have ruined many countries are not accepted in many other places.

    Sharia law is still a way of putting profit in the hand of the lender…call it whatever you like.

    50% of Saudi women do not have herpes, that should be a lesson to BLACK women.

  25. Hello

    Allison Rowen Taylor, you must be a tool. Ranting about a sharia law and sharia banking. Apparently you don’t even know what sharia banking law is about. Sharia Banking is the belief of not charinging interest rate on what we buy. For example, a house, car, credit cards, education, taxes on houses, our money… etc. Only the money lenders, the ones that jesus was threw out, out of the temple. Jew, charges interest on what american’s buy. We have been living jew law for the longest but is never called jew law. It is called banking. Bankrupting, impovering, and debt=slavery is what the jewish money lending has done to us. So using Sharia law wouldn’t be bad for a change as matter fact it would be a relief.

  26. gogo

    IKEA was mentioned in a documentary here just a couple of months ago. They get female Korean prisoners to help make furniture pieces but the women are not paid, without health benefits and cannot afford IKEA furniture no matter how much they want to. So, they get free labor. Wow. Way to go IKEA! I’ll stick to Canadian/American made furniture. Like Sears (yes, I’ve forgiven them)!


    Well isn’t it lovely that the whole planet is cowering in fear of muslims? God forbid they are “offended”, they might go out and kill a bunch of innocent people. And this bullshit is supposed to be tolerated???? Why are we supposed to tolerate a bunch of woman hating violent degenerates? Fuck them.

  28. georgie

    Right on Janet!

  29. clint

    IKEA is losing “My Religion”?

  30. brownH0rnet

    I think it’s perfectly reasonable. If you’re gonna do business with those nutbags, do what you can to NOT set them off!

  31. Chexy

    I think we should be worried about the horror that IKEA is creating in American homes.

  32. Allyson Rowen Taylor

    This is the beginning of Shariah law, and it is happening in the USA. Footbaths, Shariah Banking, Shariah Funds, all being used as a way to bring Islamic law into our Republic. I am not surprised, as I have been ranting about this since 1999. Bravo for posting it.