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Janet Charlton's HOLLYWOOD


We continue to be perplexed by women who feel more desirable with butt implants. Australian rapper Iggy Azalea has even surpassed Kardashian butt-size standards and still insists she has never had implants. She DOES however, admit that she’s had her nose and breasts done. So many unanswered questions. Has this woman ever really looked in a full-length mirror? How does she buy clothes? Does she have everything custom made with stretchy fabric? Can she fit into a movie theater seat or ride a bicycle? Iggy performed at the Long Beach Pride Festival this weekend.

Photo Credit: BACKGRID-USA

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  1. becca

    Hey Shaniqua:
    There’ no such thing as cultural appropriation.
    Nothing is original & everything has been borrowed from somewhere else!

  2. emmy

    She must be trying to outdo that other one with the hippo sized ass

  3. Light Brigade


  4. Shaniqua

    She’s also a white woman appropriating black culture which is really offensive .