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Janet Charlton's HOLLYWOOD


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  1. Daggers

    Wearing a wig, or not, the fact remains that she is one strange bird. +

  2. libby

    chuckie, you didn’t read what janet said in her post…tyra cut her hair short, then went to a “pixie wig”

    so yes janet knew it was a wig

  3. Strom

    She always wants to appear white!

  4. sandyRED

    What shocks me is her face ——- doesn’t look like her. Remember when she gained a lot of weight and now she looks anorexic. These people look younger every year.

  5. Chuckie the Clown

    is janet really that stupid to believe that is her real hair? That’s a wig!

  6. Strom

    Like Jlo and Halle, major makeup and wigs…..and arrogance!

  7. whoopi

    so haters will be screwed now.

  8. Whatcha lookin at?

    Since she’s so into her blackness, here’s a novel idea, wear your REAL hair. Unless of course you’re ashamed of it Tyra. Big phony.

  9. Kim St Clood

    Americans actually watched this rubbish on television for 12 years? No wonder the Country is losing respect.

  10. Bucky M

    It sure does Bluejay. She looks more like a mannequin due to the botox or plastic surgery.

  11. Bluejay

    Yeah, well, futuristic businesswoman baloney. The haircut and the asymetrical dress makes Tyra’s face wonkier than it already is.