hunterlipscut.jpgTwo years ago Awful Plastic published these photos of Hunter Tylo (The Bold and the Beautiful) and and made comments about her changed appearance. Now they’ve gotten a threatening legal letter demanding they remove the posting. We support APS and hope they won’t comply. Don’t these pictures speak for themselves?

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43 thoughts on “HUNTER TYLO IS IN DENIAL

  1. Oh dear what a shame she was such a natural beauty now she looks like all the other pulled up pulled out women in La La Land

  2. Another washed up hollywood hag that went under the knife in a vain attempt to look 25 again.This hag would be lucky if the pennysaver were to write about her.Get a life sea witch.

  3. Hope that’s not her. She was beautiful just the way she was. STOP THE INSANITY!

  4. Another Hollywood plastic actress. When will these women wake up and realize that no amount of pinching squeezing tucking plumping lifting scraping will make them look any younger.
    Two words girls:
    Joan Rivers.

  5. What a shame–she was so pretty before. How strange that people think that they will look better morphed than just getting older with their own features.

  6. if you want a better comparision go to the All My Children History page and see what she looked like in the very beginning of her career. it’a a pity… i used to think she was beautiful.

  7. I thought she was naturally a beautiful woman. Now she looks like another prettier Lisa Rena.

  8. Why oh why do they do that to themselves? Has no one ever heard of aging gracefully? She was absolutely beautiful before she messed with nature


  10. She looks like a fish. Ew and Lisa Rena’s mouth makes me sick, my god it’s the ugliest thing I’ve seen on a face in a long time..

  11. The comments might be hurtful but the comments are true.
    This woman has made a lot of cosmetic surgery and looks awful.

  12. i remember Hunter Tylo from ‘all my children’ 7 always thought she was beautiful…& looked like ‘Loretta Young’ & should play her in a bio movie. why oh why did she do this to herself? i remember her lips always being ‘big’ from “AMC”… but not THAT BIG! & her BOOBS>..ugh! they look like those pics from the old “Nat’l Geograhic”. she could have used a slight thinning of her nose but what a BAD’d think that w/ all the millions she got from winning her case against Aron Spelling that she would have been able to afford the best surgeon.. go figure!

  13. Wow, I thought she was beautiful before and thought she was getting some stuff done to keep her looking so good. People like her need to understand that at some point they will look older and they have to use plastic surgery judiciously. She just joined the growing list of celebrities (women and men) who’ve morphed into strange looking zombie like people. Her appeearance is unnatural and almost grotesque.

  14. Yeah, she was stunningly gorgeous and now she looks top-heavy and fish lipped. God, it’s pathetic how bad she looks when she was so damn beautiful before! Why are women doing this to themselves? It’s becoming a horrible trend. And I think it looks like crap. Courtney Love is a perfect example of how to go from looking homely, to pretty, to homely and tired. They just don’t know when to quit. What is wrong with them?

  15. I agree with all above. She was stunning, now looks like a freak. She can sue and possibly win in getting those pics off of the APS website, but everytime she is on tv or goes out in public she is just advertising to the world how she ruined her once beautiful face and body.

  16. She was so pretty before and now she looks like a puffer fish. One wonders about these “butchers for hire” that preform these mutilations…These money grabbing Doctors should be barred from practicing medicine.

  17. Egads!!! What a scary looking face and body!!! She needs to sue her plastic surgeon!!! This is the same women that was voted as one of the top 50 most beautiful women. She has totally ruined herself. Apparently her eyes need checked or her mirror is broken. That has got to be one of the worst boob jobs I have ever seen!

  18. I have seen pictures of Hunter when she was still deborah and I think she had plenty of help just to get to the way she looked in your pics on this site. She should have left well enough alone! She is a freak now.

  19. Its hilarious to watch her on the soap now…she can’t smile or frown and even when she cries, it’s so obvious that they edit in shots with glycerin tears. Execs at CBS keep her around to laugh at her and ESPECIALLY to cash in on precisely this kind of discussion. The only person to feel sorry for is the leading man who has to kiss those over-inflated pieces of flesh. YUCK!
    She’s always been sue-happy, but she’s also a narcissist…and one only has to LOOK at her to see how she has MUTILATED HERSELF.

  20. Hopefully most of this is due to swelling. And that she may look ok soon.

  21. this is just so sad. she was just a naturally beautiful woman. I don’t understand how she could do this to herself and think she looks good!!!

  22. She started out named Deborah Jo Hunter, then became Deborah Morehart, and now is Hunter Tylo. Google her images under those three names and there is no doubt the woman has changed her face and body more times than she’s changed her name. She never was a natural beauty and to claim so now is ridiculous. The evidence is all over the Internet, not on one site. Maybe she should consider suing her plastic surgeon instead?

  23. She started out named Deborah Jo Hunter, then became Deborah Morehart, and now is Hunter Tylo. Google her images under those three names and there is no doubt the woman has changed her face and body more times than she’s changed her name. She never was a natural beauty and to claim so now is ridiculous. The evidence is all over the Internet, not on one site. Maybe she should consider suing her plastic surgeon instead?

  24. She started out named Deborah Jo Hunter, then became Deborah Morehart, and now is Hunter Tylo. Google her images under those three names and there is no doubt the woman has changed her face and body more times than she’s changed her name. She never was a natural beauty and to claim so now is ridiculous. The evidence is all over the Internet, not on one site. Maybe she should consider suing her plastic surgeon instead?

  25. How pitiful! Let me see if I understand. They want to sue a site for stating the obvious. But the plastic surgeon is left alone? She’s obviously insecure and developed a relationship with her plastic surgeon that even Michael Jackson would envy!

  26. I watch that show sometimes and I cringe every time I see her mash those hard rubbery lips up against another actor’s face…her lips do not compress…they are rock solid hard. Kelly Lang, an actress on the same show, by contrast has not done anything as severe and is still a natural beauty. Too bad Hunter Tylo did this. Also, her breasts look terrible – they look like they encapsulated or something. BLEGH.

  27. Pitiful on how she cannot just age gracefully and naturally.

  28. I also support APS and hope they refuse to comply. They have a right to their opinion, and it is very obvious that Ms. Tylo has had some work done. The letter writer should have simply left well enough alone rather than draw even more attention to Ms. Tylo’s startling enhancements.

  29. I also support APS and hope they refuse to comply. They have a right to their opinion, and it is very obvious that Ms. Tylo has had some work done. The letter writer should have simply left well enough alone rather than draw even more attention to Ms. Tylo’s startling enhancements.

  30. I also support APS and hope they refuse to comply. They have a right to their opinion, and it is very obvious that Ms. Tylo has had some work done. The letter writer should have simply left well enough alone rather than draw even more attention to Ms. Tylo’s startling enhancements.

  31. From gorgeous to hideous.
    What a shame! Read where she is now divorced from her husband. Anyone know the scoop?

  32. Wow, she’s got one scary set of everything.

  33. —These pictures say it all! She looks terrible! Plastic surgery is wonderful if you want to look disfigured.

  34. Does anyone else think she looks like Kelly LeBrock in a freakish, weird way?

  35. Yes.. Hunter definately is trying to copy and steal Liv Tylers face before pretty Liv ages and looks like this.

  36. She’s beautiful now. You should check her out on The Bold & the Beautiful. She looks doll-like. Maybe she had some adjustments or things just settled down. Those photos were right after she returned to the show. I think she’s great!

  37. She was looking better there for awhile or I got used to it but I think she had her lips done again because now they are giant!

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