It’s astonishing that Mel Gibson, 64, seems to be living a comfortable life in spite of his appalling past behavior. He was expected to move back to Australia after that awful scandal with his Russian girlfriend (and the mother of his eighth child) Oksana Grigorieva. She not only accused him of punching her in the face twice (while she was holding their baby no less) breaking her front teeth, and giving her a concussion. They were in the middle of a screaming fight and she recorded his vicious racist rants and had photos of her bruises. This occurred after he accused Jews of starting all the wars in the world in a drunken rant with police. Despite offending almost EVERYBODY, the belligerent actor refused to give up on Hollywood and indeed, he managed to direct another hit movie, Hacksaw Ridge. He also acquired more girlfriends and another baby. Above, he shopped at Erewhon with his normal looking girlfriend Rosalind Ross, 30, – can’t help but wonder what SHE puts up with…
Photo Credit: BACKGRID-USA
He hasn’t changed. He’s ugly, inside and out.
oh christ
wonder all you want
only she knows
you bring up the past a lot
like people can’t (repent) change or have a change of Heart
chill out