What exactly IS it that Jennifer Lopez sees in Marc Anthony? We’ve pondered this question since Jennifer backed out of her engagement to hunky Ben Affleck to take up with ordinary looking Marc. Early on, Jennifer confided to a close friend that Marc was “the best sex she ever had.” But we suspected there was even more to it. Finally, a friend who spent time with the couple has supplied the answer. “Marc is well mannered and incredibly charming. He seems sincere and genuine and makes you feel important. He’s very respectful of Jennifer and romantic at the same time. They are always considerate of each other, so it’s a pleasure to watch them interact.” NOW we get it.
Monday, October 16, 2006
Jergens Loshen
Ben Affleck dumped J-Lo simply because a marriage to her would have been disastrous for his career. I don’t believe he ever loved her. She was a showy escort and that’s all.
Cheating on your beautiful wife, I can’t see anything nice about this drugged up looking corpse. “Best sex?” Must be with the lights off otherwise he’d scared me to death when I look at him. He looks so unhealthy, what does she see in him?
“her pride won’t let her admit she made yet another wrong marriage.”
Pride is all that is keeping her with that runt.
So he treats her like the sun rises and sets over her ass – this is news??? Ben wanted her to act like a grown up and not a perpetual teenager in love and to expect him to kiss her butt day and night. Marc will do that. Also, Marc doesn’t take her to bookstores and get angry when all she buys are fashion magazines. Nor does he expect her to be interested in world events, politics, or charity events that don’t involve getting dressed up and showing off. No wonder Ben wised up and ran for his life. As for being a gentleman – Ben gave her every reason to dump him and look justified and she still wouldn’t let go. Now she is stuck with Fugly forever – her pride won’t let her admit she made yet another wrong marriage.
who cares and why is this gossip?
I hear that he is, how can I put it delicately, very well “endowed”. He was a rebound thing, sad to say. She was pretty hurt that BA dumped her and his mother probably had a lot to do with it. It was no secret that she didn’t care for JLo. It also wasn’t a secret that MA still carried a burning torch for her and had never gotten over her since their break-up. JLo knew it and went running to him for love and reassurance that she was desirable despite having just been dumped. And yes, he was still married at the time that he resumed his romance with JLo. Not very nice of him. What goes around, comes around. Let’s see how long he will hold her interest, although I do have to say that she looks pretty happy.
Jennifer Garner-Affleck
they were together BEFORE her thing with Affleck— and she went back because it was comfortable and safe, and she needed some good PR after the show bennifer put on for everyone.
besides, they are both puetro rican, so they go together.
The rumour has always been that JLo is super mean and nasty. Although MA looks like a zombie, we shouldn’t be asking why he’s good enough for her.
He’s not my idea of a good catch; wasn’t he married when he took up with J-Lo. And left his very young children for her?
“We won’t”
Who is “WE”?
I didn’t vote for them and i sure hell could care less if they like a post or not.
As for JLo she married Marc on the rebound and now she is trapped. You can see it in her eyes.
The only reason we write negative comments on the posts is that we know Janet’s previous work and know that she can do better, much better, than this. We won’t let her lower her standard and this item was just a waste of space.
Marc Anthony may be a nice guy (seeing his treatment of his ex-wife, I kind of doubt it, though), but he still looks like a corpse.
This is the only gossip link I have seen where readers write negatively about the writer. Why? Just don’t read it. Do you know her or do you have your own blog? It’s rude and sort of weird for readers who just scan for fun. Do you really take any of it seriously anyway?
Sorry Janet but I have to agree with the first comment. What is the world is this post about? This is not gossip. Better to not waste your time and ours posting stuff like this.
Janet get your facts straight. Jennifer didn’t back out of her engagement to Ben Affleck, he dumped her right before the wedding. She was vulnerable and Marc swept in.
This was lame Janet. I think you know it.
Margo Channing
They’re both losers on the Hasbenn Train to nowhere………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………NEXT!!
Oh Please!! .She recorded a whole album about how good Ben affleck is in bed!What has she written about Marc nothing.You don’t see his ex’s crying wanting him back .now do you.Marc is a loser and always will be
Oh Please!! .She recorded a whole album about how good Ben affleck is in bed!What has she written about Marc nothing.You don’t see his ex’s crying wanting him back .now do you.Marc is a loser and always will be
Oh Please!! .She recorded a whole album about how good Ben affleck is in bed!What has she written about Marc nothing.You don’t see his ex’s crying wanting him back .now do you.Marc is a loser and always will be
Janet, I’m speechless. What a riveting story. Nobody, and mean nobody gets these stories but you.