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Janet Charlton's HOLLYWOOD


We would LOVE to eavesdrop on the conversation between these three people thrown together in the front row at the Thom Browne Couture show at Paris Fashion Week. Diane Keaton and Cardi B are dressed head to toe BY Thom Browne for the big event, but it looks like Vogue editor Anna Wintour is not. We’re guessing Thom Browne had to custom make Cardi’s suit because his designs do NOT have room for bottoms her size. Looks like Cardi is chatting and being her frivolous self and Diane appears to be quite amused, but Anna looks like she’d rather be somewhere else…


Photo Credit: BACKGRID-USA

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  1. Judiee

    It took a long time to figure out that lump coming out of Cardi’s dress was a discount boob job.

  2. Brian

    Diane is a !!!her!

  3. Wilson

    I hope Diane does not fall off those shoes. She could break a hip!

  4. emmy

    Imagine sitting next to that ghetto rat with her fat ass, Diane Keaton looks ridiculous with that cartoon get up

  5. Gary

    I think Anna would look more appealing wearing Car Di B’s headgear. She should throw caution to the wind every once in awhile.

  6. Judy

    I love the way Diane Keaton always marched to the beat of a different drummer.

  7. Oova

    An evening with three depraved women