Heidi Klum manages to keep a smile on her face in spite of inevitable problems ahead, due to her close relationship with Harvey Weinstein. It’s now common knowledge that Weinstein, who was Executive Producer of Heidi’s Lifetime show Project Runway, used his Runway connection to set up “casting meetings” with models. Many of these models have come forward with lurid details about his behavior. It’s impossible to imagine that, over the years, Heidi never heard ANY complaints about Weinstein. A SHE KNEW poster of Heidi is a likely follow-up to the posters of Meryl Streep plastered all over Hollywood.
Photo Credit: BACKGRID-USA
Wednesday, December 20, 2017
Why aren’t they going after those creeps that feast on children?
How many more were eager to service Harvey for fame like Jlo did to Puffy!
Left wing, right wing. Such BS. They are two wings of the SAME party!!
The elitist Leftist Democrats show how hypocrisy is done. The real question that Janet needs to answer is if she was paid by Harvey to not report on his crimes. We know he paid many to be quiet. Janet is part of the problem with the left. They talk about being equality and all the other BS the left complains about but they partake in the behavior while telling others not to. It’s time to take down these socialist Democrats like the vermin that they are.
It's Me, again
Meryl Streep has tarnished her legacy, much like that geek Matt Damon. Pleading ignorance is not cute. So sick of these left wingers thinking they can get away with everything. They are what’s wrong with this country!
Keep up with plastering posters all over Hollywood!
try to make up bad thing like all americans do!!
Heidi has been connected to the criminal underground for years.
She had her first child with the most notorious criminal conman ever to step foot on Europe’s shores – Flavio Briatore.
Giuliana De Pandi-Rancid
Poor enabling, hypocritical, narcissistic, VENAL
She had a literal “Depends Moment” (wasn’t pretty) when she first learned of those posters, which seem to have sprouted everywhere we look–like mushrooms.
Driving anywhere in LA is bound to be fraught with all sorts of other unpleasantness, bless her heart!
Psssssst so did Georgina Chapman….HIS DESIGNER WIFE