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Janet Charlton's HOLLYWOOD


No one has yet been able to pin down Heidi Klum and ask about her relationship with Harvey Weinstein. Weinstein gave Heidi her big start on TV in 2002 when he produced Project Runway for her. Are we supposed to believe this lascivious mogul never made a pass at such an attractive model, who was indebted to him and also happened to be single at that time? C’mon, Heidi we KNOW you have a story or two – why won’t you share them with us? Back in October when Weinstein accusations were exploding, Heidi only made vague comments about the fact that every business had sexual predators, and that was all she had to say…so far.

Photo Credit: BACKGRID-USA

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  1. Edie on Sunset

    P U K E Not a nice person

  2. producer

    she plays some leading role in these ‘rape accusations’?

  3. Paloma Sirieda

    Heidi’s first child was fathered by one of the most notorious criminals in all of Europe.

    She could care less about the rule of law, corruption or who she does business with.

  4. Bill P

    Isn’t she a German. Ya know had Harvey just gone to a few German Brothels. We in America wouldn’t have to be looking at looking at all these so called beauty queen female actors who got violated. Who should of stayed behind the counters at McDonalds and not succumb to his sexual advances. As why did they always come back ? Personal integrity or Big Money. Go ahead and laugh. But, imagine if he did fly all the way to German – just imagine how sexy the New Hollywood leading ladies would have kept themselves. Should be interesting in the days going forward if some of these women movie directors who are now demanding Hollywood take them seriously. And which bank will give them the loan to produce their movie.

  5. SouthernGirl

    I’ve heard rumor, she would bring him girls, telling them he will help there career. She’s a dirty POS and I hope some of those girls talk and bring her down.

  6. Giuliana De Pandi-Rancid

    P.S. We’ve looked at her askance ever since she bragged on social media about flying to NY and back to pick up a half dozen “cronuts” in Brooklyn–when they were all the rage.

  7. Giuliana De Pandi-Rancid

    She and Harvey are evidently kindred spirits, bound by the same creed: determine what you want in this life, and then TAKE IT.

    But the internet never forgets, and Heidi’s children will someday be asking some discomforting questions.