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Janet Charlton's HOLLYWOOD


Photo Credit: Buzz Foto

So it’s true. Heather Locklear and Jack Wagner have been seen out together and there was much speculation about whether they are just two single “buddies” or a hot new couple. The pair have been friends since they did Melrose Place together and now it so happens they are both available. Judging by their body language at Mr Chow the other night they are more than just friends. Jack was very touchy feely with Heather and she was acting flirty and coy. Actually, they could pass for brother and sister in the looks department.

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  1. Anonymous

    Good for Heather. I used to like Richie until her hooked up with Denise Richards, couldn’t stand Denise even before Richie. Dumb as a doorknob too! And what career wise has she done?

  2. Anonymous

    Signing? A CD for the deaf?

  3. Ted

    Jack Wagner has a new cd “Dancing In The Moonlight”. You can purchase it on the Bold & Beautiful website. Great music for those who remember Jack’s signing from the 80’s!

  4. Rosie

    LOL they do look alike. Good for them. He’s not a rock star, heather has a thing for them, but didn’t he play one on TV? Oh wait, no that was a Dr. on Melrose Place and a Spy on GH. 🙂

  5. Anonymous

    I always thought they looked absolutely gorgeous together. 🙂 good for Heather and good for Jack

  6. Anonymous

    Jack needs to go back to his family.

  7. Melissa

    I have loved these two since Melrose Place.
    They look gorgeous together!
    I hope they are happy.
    Heather really deserves it.

  8. Anonymous

    they dont look like brother and sister! WTF?

  9. Anonymous

    Jack Wagner is not married anymore.

  10. Anonymous

    That’s too bad. He has an adorable wife and kids.

  11. Anonymous


  12. joe

    i agree with this beautiful coupling… i’m happy for them…

  13. poe

    they would make an interesting couple. both of them are well known sluts.