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Janet Charlton's HOLLYWOOD


Photo Credit: Pacific Coast News

Every year before Christmas, Harrison Ford turns up at Barneys in Beverly Hills even though he’s a guy who doesn’t particularly like shopping. He’s carrying a tiny bag that most likely contains some special jewelry for Calista Flockhart. At least he has the good taste to shop at Barneys and he picks out something HIMSELF instead of sending someone else to select a gift for her. She has trained him well.

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  1. dating advice

    My mother doesn’t always give advice I agree with, but she is still my first call whenever I find myself making a decision. I think one of the better parts of growing up is getting to know your parents as people, not just as parents. Thanks for sharing about Heart of Haiti. I am proud to work with this program and am so thankful for your support. -Kelly Heisler

  2. E

    I think he’s still hot.

  3. Edward

    Nice package, Harrison!

  4. Patrick

    who the fuck IS this….

  5. forrest gump

    yep, he bought an ANUS RING for christmas, folks!!

  6. Reta

    Patrick, I was going to congratulate you on snagging the luscious Mrs. Patrick and her frisky heart, but now it seems you may have chosen me to go after once more (yawn), so i won’t be congratulating you on the romps you may or may not be having all over the house and out in the bushes, and of course the faithful and chilled back seat (hope it’s not a rumble seat)!

    As for Harrison, yes, his hunky days may be far behind him, but for his age he does hold up pretty well…could be quite a bit more of a mess! Just glance around you at the general population in a nearby Walmart anyday and you may come to appreciate the still studly Mr. Ford. As for Calista, I never “got it” either, but one might guess it’s the ever present happiness she seems to exude, which i’m sure he may have found attractive.

    I must add tho, that I was shocked when he and his first wife divorced because it seemed to be one of those long ones that was going to make it. Same with Mel Gibson, that crazy effer (I’m trying to somewhat control my language for those of you with tender ears) but you must keep in my I”m newly back after a long absence and I may revert back at any time. Also, If Janet refuse to remove or censor Gerard Vandenberg or strom, why should I self censor descriptive useful words?

  7. georgie

    One of my favorite actors ever. Yeah, he’s old now, but he was Indiana Jones & Han Solo for godsakes. He’s also one of the very few A listers that I’ve never heard any gay stories about. I was also surprised when he married Calista. I heard they had a lot of arguments, and he did fool around on her a lot.

  8. Patrick

    Does this mean the boys are allowed to start commenting on the size of ladies under parts in Janet’s posted pics now?
    Let’s start a picture of REta!!
    I’ve got some great horsey jokes I can bring to the party!!
    Chomping at the bit, chomping at the bit!

  9. Christine India

    Palermo: LOL

    Up until Calista snagged him, he was partying it up every night and never lacked for a gaggle of young beauties fawning all over him. I can remember the rag mag pics to this day; he can put away the booze and spend money like water on ladies on the make for a big money celeb.

    How scrawny unattractive Calista got him to propose is a mystery to me. It may be because she had adopted an infant and Harrison took a fancy to the kid and the rest is history. IMHO, he used to be hot in the Indiana Jones series, but now he just looks old, bald,and tired. I think old maid Cal wore him out in the sack. 🙂

  10. enchantedbunny

    yup! could play a thick steve jobs

  11. Patrick

    Mrs. Patrick!

  12. Mrs Patrick Campbell

    Looks like he’s packin some major sizemeat.

    A weeks worth of laundry in that basket.

    Split that slip of a woman open like a ripe mellon.

    Happy Holidays to her, though she may not be able to walk in January.

  13. Kitty

    He’s OK, but I’ve never gotten HER appeal.

  14. chris

    He got her a half eaten sandwich.

  15. Palermo

    I think he only married her cause he realized he was getting old and would need an inhouse nurse

  16. Pit BuLL LOVER

    just like jude law and Jonah whats his now skinny ugliness and many others this is another guy i HAVE NEVER GOTTEN. granted he made a few great movies but he is NOT handsome, and many are so much more talented than him.
    i just don’t get this guy.
    at all…. must just be the big boys club of hollywood thing all these fools make so much money they can afford 12 planes, helicopters and numerous expensive properties…..and get hired for stupid movies all the time….or did… oh, except for that homely jonah guy anyway…

  17. Heisenberg

    Dude is bald,

  18. Yippie yayay

    He looks like Steve Jobs. Is anyone going to cast him?