Gilmore Girl Alexis Bledel and Milo Ventimiglia, who sometimes played her hot boyfriend on the show, broke up in July after three and a half years together. Looks like the split was a failure because a source reports that Alexis was seen at Blair’s restaurant in Silverlake last week with Milo. An eyewitness observed “Alexis looked really pretty in a black low cut dress. They held hands and kissed across the table. She blushed and they were both giddy. They seemed really happy to be together. On the way out they stopped for a big hug and a kiss in front of the restaurant.” Maybe they’re sticking to out of the way places and keeping the relationship out of the public eye until they’re sure it’s going to work this time.
Wednesday, September 27, 2006
Casonia Sade Logenberry of Seattle washington and on Hells kitchen fox 13 season 9....All the Men and Woman on Hells kitchen have to go 7 weeks without sex..How frustrating could that be?
It is okay to be friends if a relationship ends on a good note and that means don’t force the other person to stay in a relationship against there will and if you do that.Your are going to be hated and disliked and your partner is never going to ever go back with you..Because it took too long for you to leave! And if hate of the relationship starts up..Then your going to find yourself never talking to each other again.
Casonia Sade Logenberry of Seattle washington and on Hells kitchen fox 13 season 9....All the Men and Woman on Hells kitchen have to go 7 weeks without sex..How frustrating could that be?
Some times people need to sit down and talk thing throw and work things out and gather better understanding about what is broke in the relationship and that way something is cured and problems and issues are addressed but it is good to still be friends and care about each other..If it ended on a good note.
Yeah, Seiously.
Yes, HCL, but remember… you came here only to comment on losers who don’t have a life. Shouldn’t you be out living your own, rather than belittling everyone else’s?
You people are all losers to be talking about someone elses’ relationship. And arguing about it like you know anything. Seriously, get a life.
I’m saying he cheated on her. The false part is that they got back together. I heard it because I have a very good source and it’s something that they managed to keep out of the tabloids. Most likely because neither of them are famous enough for the tabloids.
Are you saying he cheated on her ,or you just don’t believe it.Where’d you hear this I didn,t hear anything about this
“Hey anonies,
if you know so much about why they broke up in the first place, why don’t you enlighten us poor mortals?”
I’m only posting this because I figure everyone is done reading this very old piece of news, which apparently is very false, but Milo cheated on Alexis with one of his Bedford Diaries co-stars.
I would love for them to be back together, but i’m waiting til i hear it from one of them.
There are co cute… love to see them together
I think it comes down to happiness. If they are both happy together or separate then more power to them either way.
omg!I hope this is true.Milo and Alexis are so CUTE together….and I love Jess and Rory together!
Jess/Rory Milo/Alexis 4 ever
omg!I hope this is true.Milo and Alexis are so CUTE together….and I love Jess and Rory together!
Jess/Rory Milo/Alexis 4 ever
yay! there back together. i love it, i love them together! [;
arrrr. i don’t know what to believe. i’m a big alexmilo fan so… pardon me for being too obsessed with their relationship :P.
hope they’re back together.
Some people may hate me for saying this but I’d love to see Alexis and Matt (logan) get together in real life!!! That would be sweet.
how can anyone say that milo wasn’t good with alexis… they kept their relationship very private, so i’m assuming you are mixing real life with jess/rory relationship.
i don’t believe this, but i wish it would be true, because Gilmore girls it’s not the same since milo left the show, and if they are together again, Might be a little possibility for him to return, at least for a couple of episodes
I dont beleive it. The way he retorted to the questions, of how he thought it was no big deal this could be old news brought up from someones old mind, trying to start controversey, just like cunt, and this was written on september 27th, and this is the only place ive seen this. Milo isnt right for her, but oh well it her life
OMG. Seriously, you guys are arguing about peoples’ relationship. It’s their business, and with the celebrity world there arn’t many creditable sources, so y’all shouldn’t believe everything. I’d be extremely happy if this was true, MA seemed really happy together. 🙂
^ The last Gawker report about them is from May. *confused* When did Alexis tape her interview?
Nemova, you
Wow,the Rory/Logan shippers are angry!
I bet they were hoping Alexis would get together with Matt,ahahah!!
Somebody needs to do an intervention! Poor Alexis! Going back to a guy who treated her so badly. I hope someone rescues her.
Hey anonies,
if you know so much about why they broke up in the first place, why don’t you enlighten us poor mortals?
The Gawker posts came BEFORE Alexis’ interview with Regis and Kelly – like months before.
I choose to believe in the good news, rather than jumping to conclusions about someone I never met.
I am not sure of this Gawker report and I don’t even know who Rory/Logan are, but Maddie you need to calm down.
Milo and Alexis were broken up before that Gawker report was posted. She filmed her interview on “Regis and Kelly” saying she was single before someone thought up to make up those horrible lies.
Gawker Stalker is a mean-spirited site with lies that spread like poision. This site is probably a lie too, because Milo in his interviews seemed to pretty much say he was “finished”, but I don’t beleive any of your “sources”, since your probably angry Logan/Rory lovers to begin with.
I hope this isn’t true. Janet, check that source of yours. She seems like a smart girl, why go back together with him. And I believe that Gawker report then this.
What is she thinking? She could do so much better. He stinks.
i’m so happy their are dating again… i love them both. this couple is so cute
I hope its NOT true coz Alexis deserves a lot more better looking, taller & sensible than Milo!!!
I don’t buy it!
This is the best news I have heard in months!!!
It wasn’t her fault? Are you suggesting he had been cheating on her????
that’s awesome!
I don’t care why they broke up,I’m happy they got back together 🙂
this picture seems fairly old. such baby faces.and i’m with anonymous on this story as well. People who love K.Alexis/Milo or Rory/Jess do unbelievable things – like posting sightings and such. Plus I don’t know who Anon.’s source is but mine is FIRST RATE and i KNOW it wasn’t KAB’s fault about the break-up. Was it her choice? Probably. Was she the reason? Doubtful.
Oh, I see.
And guess what, Pat, you read that somebody said that somebody said that they’re back together and you believed it, too. Knowing what I do of Milo and his attitude during interviews and such (and knowing what I do about why they broke up, which isn’t public knowledge, but let’s just say it isn’t Alexis’s fault) I believe Gawker Stalker more than this report.
You’re gettin it after school 6:27! I don’t care if you cry!
Pat youre a cunt too!
if alexis and milo are back together, thats awesome!
You read somewhere that somebody said somebody said something?
Awhile back I read on Gawker Stalker, a reader once saw this couple in NYC, fighting in the street.
Dude addressed this girl as “cunt” during this exchange.