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Janet Charlton's HOLLYWOOD



Seems like YEARS since that the story leaked out about Hank Baskett cheating on his Playboy wife Kendra Wilkinson. With a transsexual, no less. Since then the famous couple has been playing this drama to the hilt. And to considerable profit! Kendra and Hank have been riding the infidelity train – breaking up and tearfully making up –and raking in the bucks on numerous TV shows.. Just when their reality show, Kendra on Top, was getting dull, the big cheat happened and renewed interest. They even have a new show where Kendra and Hank sit and WATCH the old show when Hank strayed and react accordingly! PLUS they are writing a tell all book! She seems to be the breadwinner now, and it’s lucky that Kendra knows how to turn lemons into lemonade.

Photo Credit: Pacific Coast News

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  1. Gina Catone

    Strom you will never have entree to the Battle of Wits.
    You can’t even get the single hair on your little toe inside the door.

  2. Eric

    You’re just illustrating Mead’s point Strom …

  3. Strom

    Poor Ft Meade…ready to meet BLACK Hank the tranny master for a good time!

  4. just a vet from Fort Mead

    What a weak ass comment Strom,

    you’re the person most fixated on all the transexuals, lesbians etc. you are obviously a weirdo too, maybe worse

  5. Strom

    Nope, I think they are too weird….poor Walt and Sharona, enabler of all things tranny!

  6. Sharona Dallas 40

    ouch … hit that nail on the head Walt

  7. Walt er

    definitely sounds like you’d like to watch Strom

    why all same, tedious sex fantasies ? you’re constantly referring to it, like you’re obsessed ? seek help, get some therapy, judging from your posts you really do need it, #pathological sicko

  8. Gemma St. Ivens

    She spent many years as Hef’s prostitute

  9. Daggers

    Kendra’s no aangel. The years she spent with Hugh Hefner conjures up unspeakable thoughts in our minds. Oh yuck-o.

  10. sandyRED

    the dumbing down of America!!!!!!!!!!

  11. Natalie

    What watches this drivel…

  12. MissEva

    Boring, boring, boring, utterly contentless show.

  13. Gina Catone

    Kendra is not faithful herself. Kendra has utilized her fame to sell herself to men while married to Hank.

  14. mister baja

    a mans got to do what hes gonna do……..

  15. Strom

    What magic can Kendra work on a lemon? (Please be discreet.)