We just can’t figure out how Halle Berry could look so much OLDER in her high school yearbook picture than she does now. She looked pretty, but SO mature. Was she heavier? Or is it just her hairstyle? Make up? This is a beauty secret the world would like to know.
Monday, September 28, 2009
shes trying to look more white, she will never obtain that. you cannot change your dna halle.
you look evil trying.
she has all her surgeries done in asia so no one will know, as if her fake boobs were hers.
she is extremely unattractive and no surgery could help her. she looks a like a man and i understand her attitude is very ugly.
Aside from all the B.S. this is one of the most inspiring before and after photos, I have ever saw.
Almost every comment omits the one thing that is the truth she was and is beautiful. No amount of work done could make someone who is not beautiful, beautiful. It’s impossible look at all the freaky looking people in the world in and outside of Hollywood who has work done on them. The point is the weight. The loss of weight is what enhanced her beauty. It does to most people. Too much fat distorts beauty. Draw a picture on a balloon and then blow it up and see what happens? Halle Berry is a very beautiful woman no matter what anyone allows themselves to focus on. It’s usually to make the person making the comments feel better about themselves. Most condescending comments originate from women. Women love to look for flaws in other women especially beautiful women. No matter what is said it still does not change her disposition. She is Beautiful.
She had her nose done about two times looking at pics throughout her career. Other than that- losing weight, thinning out your eyebrows, cutting your hair and makeup will go a long way.
Is that really her??? She’s had lots of work – teeth, lips (they’re so pretty), nose. Great work, had no idea – thought it was natural.
Her short haircut makes her look VERY old. I do not understand why she chopped her hair off again. Blech!
Nose job, most definitely.
She’s definitely had a nose job and probably had her lips done. Just goes to show that 99% of Hollywood beauty isn’t real.
Oh…and by looking at her face; looks like she has lost weight.
Of course she looks younger, thanx 2
#1-nose job
#2-top lip job
all tastefully done, but, not natural nonetheless!! Ain’t hatin’ tho, she looks good!
Who gave her the fat lip….one of her many exes or the plastic surgeon? It is hideous.
btw she has one of the fiercest bodies ever. I can see why women, white and black would be jealous of her.
she clearly had a nose job, but thats about it, make up can enhance a lot but she is also clearly on an extremely low carb diet, low carbs remove almost any puffiness and the eyeshadow gets rid of the puffy eyelids. I did this diet and my face and body look completely different.
plastic surgery can work wonders….
Without much makeup she is a very very plain looking woman who would turn no heads.
To me, the eyelids on the highschool pic look puffier above the eye, her nose also looks slightly wider, and her lips look more thin or narrow. The only thing that seems unchanged are the cheeks, her face was definitely rounder back then, but then that was before she had to be “Hollywoodized” too.
captain america
don’t forget: THIS IS STILL “HOLLYWOOD”, folks!!
Looks like she has had her lips done, AND her face is definitely heavier. The high-school hair isn’t helping, either!
dandy lion
Never thought she was a great actress or great looking. And those lips, especially the top one, brings to mind one word…Yuck.
Look at the lips. Another plastic actress. Go figure.