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Janet Charlton's HOLLYWOOD


Halle Berry and her kids are ready for anything – both of her children – Nahla, 10, and Maceo, 4, have been taking karate classes for quite awhile now. Halle has always been a fiend for working out with trainers and martial arts – as a result, she’s been doing more action movies. Right now she’s working on John Wick: Chapter 3 – she plays an athletic professional assassin with two big dogs at her side. Whether her character is stalking Keanu Reeves’ Wick character, or an ally, remains to be seen. But the whole family seems strong and healthy.

Photo Credit: BACKGRID-USA

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  1. Strom

    Hahahahahah Halle Scary had also failed to repay the loan to her then b/f who bought her a set of breasts.

  2. Giuliana de Pandi Rancid

    Ah. There she is–and apparently working.

    We’re RELIEVED–because we thought she was making a new career out of SOMEONE PLEASE LOOK AT ME exercise routines with her hunky trainer, which she faithfully documented on social media, the better to stir up wishful gossip that she and he are an item.

    Sadly, for Halle, they are not. 🙁

    Even with all its volatility, she must long for those days of her relationship with Olivier.

    They’d arrive at De Gaulle to be greeted by pointing fingers and surprised shouts of recognition: “Le Cra-zee!!”; Le Bat-sheet!!”; “Lee Koo-koo!!”, etc.

    But poor Halle doesn’t understand a word of French!

    It would fall to Olivier to “translate”: “They loved you in Cat Woman,” he’d tell her, grinning. 😀

  3. becca

    Early warning!
    Never, ever click on anything with Celebrity Express in it.
    It’s a Russian malware site that will infect your computer & steal your info!

  4. obi

    …………another role model mom who takes care.

  5. Cardi D

    Hopefully child protection authorities are keeping a close eye on this unbalanced woman..I don’t like it when these blogs like Janet’s exploit children for clickbait.

  6. Strom

    Herpes alert