#halleberry #janetcharlton
As a celebrity, Halle Berry is accustomed to getting her way. Imagine her complete shock when a custody judge ruled that she and her daughter Nahla CANNOT move to France with Halle’s fiance Olivier Martinez. At least for now. Nahla’s father Gabriel Aubry doesn’t want his child to move so far away but Halle was confident that she could convince the judge that Nahla would be “safer” in France because of paparazzi laws. Apparently the astute judge didn’t consider paparazzi to be a “danger” – just an annoyance. We’re happy for Gabriel – but you can bet Halle has NOT given up on this issue. She always gets what she wants.
Photo Credit: Pacific Coast News
Sunday, November 11, 2012
Halle is the poster child of race denial.
She is prettier on the screen because of make up….she is an extremely plain looking woman without major makeup on the face.
Her child is the unfortunate one in this scenerio…with a screwball mother!
she is far more beautiful on the screen than in real life….this is partly due to the awful way she dresses….
She’s nuttier than a f**king fruitcake!
Unfortunately many do that.
Halle is the poster child of race denial.
Halle Berry lost my respect when she was involved in a hit and run. She backed into someone else’s car and did serious damage. Then just drove off. If anyone else had done this – they’d be put in jail. She just paid off the victim.
dark sided
It’s a well known fact that Halle is crazy and spiteful bitch.
Sure, REta.
Haaahah ……Halle is the poster child of race denial: She is called a loose cannon screwball by most who know her.
She can not be without a man for even a day…no BLACKS need to apply, again!
It’s not about posters….or the Pied Piper of Little Imposters!
Is your keyboard broken, Strom?
Making a lot of spelling mistakes, lately.
I agree with Christine India. I’ve always heard that people who have been married multiple times have to be hard to live with. Common sense, right? Some can be just poor choices, but I really think that Halle can be a big ‘ol diva. I think there’s a hatch that hasn’t quite been battened down in her brain.
Haaahah ……Halle is the poster child of race denial….she is called a loose cannon screwball by most who know her. He can not be without a man for even a day…no BLACKS need apply, again!
There is nothing wrong with a woman being strong and getting what she wants.
Getting what you want sure beats being let down and stepped on and being DENIED.
That said, I disagree with Berry trying to remove the father of her child out her child’s life just because she has moved on romantically.
PS. this conversation is gossip related to Halle Berry and her custody issues not the 2012 election and certainly not the OJ trial.
damn, YOU PEOPLE are SICK.
How do you people manage to drag OJ into every conversation.
You really do have a mental disorder.
Foolish and unknowledgable rants. The election is over…unfortunately the next on seems to be beginning.
Most candidates that lose deserve to. Romney was a good man but not so good candidate….he should enjoy his wealth now. John McCain is not especially a good man and was a worse candidate.
We will find out now if Obama has any of the leadership qualities he didnt show in the first term. American Black’s are just like the OJ Simpson jury…voting for race and not the facts.
Mr. Martinez must be doing a jig and breathing a sign of relief.
Steve Canyon
……………the best is yet to come.
And the red necks are in Calgary, not on the Island.
Correct Benji. And our economy is tied directly to yours. We are the worlds biggest trading partners. We don’t want an artificially deflated American dollar. That’s bad business for us and it’s not helping the states climb out of it’s hole. Canada needs a prosperous America. You go down. We go down.
The only Canadians I’ve met who wanted Obama for a second term were idealists.
Stop sending the manufacturing industry to China. Stop buying at WalMart.
Buy Canadian and American made only.
Mmmm, except for Toyota’s. They beat any North American made piece of maintenance liability, shit.
I hope everything works out with her daughter :/
“We” Patrick? We thought you belonged to our red-neck neighbors of the north.
Comments like that Strom, are why you and your Republican party are now relegated to the history books.
If you stupid, asshole, racist, fucks could just zip it for long enough to get through an election we would have a president who actually could do the job.
She is beautiful but there is a screw loose there. She is a whack job.
Halle seems to be a very vindictive woman, she is always “mistreated” by men. I’m glad her daughter’s Daddy will get to see her in this country where she belongs. My guess is Halle will be breaking up with Martinez soon anyway, she can’t maintain a relationship.
I agree,,,the Halle picture on the left is totally monkeylike! Darwin lives!
Gabe…… BEWARE.
She’s comin for you
Christine India
Janet, dear, me wuv oo, but….
I am getting tired of those 7 pictures of photoshopped celebs on the left side.
Christine India
It looks like she is getting paid back for in essence paying Gabiel Aubry for his seed. Did she not think there would be repercussions later?
She must want to hide out in France to avoid paying Gabriel a reported $20,000 per month support.
I’ve never cared for her, ever since she whined and cried on Oprah, making out like she was so holy and all her men did her wrong. Bosh, 🙁 I think the truth is she is a diva and hard to live with.
this story is just an usual fight in custody battle:the break-up was been nasty between the parents
and Janet,be nice! blurring kids’faces on the paps pics is the best way to protect the kids against the paps (only the parents are famous)
Some payback for the denial of her race….maybe too for the way she refused to pay back her then white b/f for paying for her new breasts when she was a flat and struggling young biracial actress!